Bloody Picnic

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"Now you know the rules Geminie. Be polite and don't eat too much. You're a lady not a rogue." My father warns and I nodd, my curly white hair bouncing with the movement.

It was the same thing everytime I go out with the Alpha family. My parents warning me not to eat too much and making me behave myself with threats. But I was a good girl, why couldn't they see that.

Finally the door opened and in walked Alpha Sorus. He was tall with black hair and always treated me like family. I knew he hoped I would be Mika's mate and that made me happy.

"Hey Gemmi, ready to go?" He asks, ruffling my hair and making me giggle.

"Yes Alpha." I say, taking his hand and skiping out the door as I leave with out saying good bye to my mommy and daddy.

"Geeeeeemmi." I stop as I hear my best friend's voice and smile, letting go of Alpha's hand and running to hug Lace. She was seven like me and we were like sister.

"Mommy says the unicorns will be out today for the full moon." Lace whispers to me and I smile. Lizarus had said today something was going to happen and that the Unicorns were going to celebrate. What it is, I don't know yet.

Mika was by the Luna, his focus on a video game and I frowned at the twelve year old. As much as I hated him for taking my brother's time away I thought he was cute. But no one else would know.

"Ready to go girls?" Alpha asks and we nodd excitedly, skipping down the trail that led to the pink lake. Because of the magic in the area the pack was in, the lake had turned pink. It was so pretty and a small stream led to the Valley where the unicorn babies always played on it.

I loved watching the pink water fly into the air and twinkle in the sun like diamonds and I couldn't wait to watch it when I play in it later.

The forest was quiet today and I was happy it was warm day for the picnic. It made it so much better because I got to get away from my parents for a while. I hated them. I knew I shouldn't but I did.

"Gemmi I see the water." I squeel with Lace as we run towards the sparking lake, racing each other to the edge as we splash around.

For hours we play together in the pink liquid, only to stop and eat with everyone until it was time to go and wait for the unicorns to come.

The sun was gone and the moon was rising and me and Lace were curled up under a tree yawning as we try to stay up.

"A few more minutes." I jump at Mika's voice as he sits beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and grinning. I couldn't help but blush and nod before looking out to the lake.


Geminie wake up... please my love...

A soft voice flutters through my ears and I yawn, looking around the night my dream gone. It was so quiet in that forest and I could see everything so clearly but it was a dream.

Snores could be heard and I looked around to find Mika on one side and Lace on the other. And that's when I heard it.

Growls and howls came from everywhere and I panicked, turning and shaking Mika awake.

"What is it Gemmi?" He asks as he swats me away.

"Wolves and lots of them." I cry as he sits up and growls as I wake Lace up.

"I smell blood." My friends says as she ruby's her eyes, and so did I.

"Where is she?" A scream echos through the lake and all three of us freeze.

"I don't know who you're talking about." The Luna was crying. She never cries, ever.

"The future moon goddess. Your wolves took her from her as a new born." The voice rings again as a loud smack rips through the air.

"I don't know anything about this." The Luna wails and I cry. This didn't seem like it would end well.

"Well for your insolence you'll die like your husband." The sounds of ripping could be heard as the Luna screams, everything seeming to slow as we hear a thud and her head slowly rolls to us.

We were terrified and stayed in our spot hidden till morning and everyone came looking for us.

"Thank goodness you're alright Mika and Lace." My parents coo over the Alpha pups and I stand in the back ground, everyone fussing over them but forgetting about me. They blocked the site of the lake from Lace and Mika but I saw everything.

The lake was red with blood, bodies lay everywhere, blood was in the trees. It was a bloody picnic.

Rejecting The Future Moon Goddess[Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now