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this means everything to me.

The nurse sent Harry into the room that Joey was resting in. According the doctor, she was malnourished and... and what?

The door was already open when he reached it, so he let himself in with his hands at his sides. The walk was clean so he didn't bump in to anything on the way inside.

He heard a sharp inhale as soon as he lifted his head. Heard Jo's voice shake as she tried to say something but gave up at, "I-I uh..." The words trailed off into another inhale that got him walking slower toward where he knew she was. The nurse's voice was still echoing in his head when he finally held out a hand that went unmet by hers.

"You're crying." You're pregnant. He dropped his hands to his side and let out a soft breath to calm himself down.

Another shaky breath. She's pregnant.

Harry swallowed thickly and kept himself from touching her, afraid she didn't want to be touched. Afraid she was somehow done with him. Afraid of what she was thinking right now. Was she thinking of him? Was she thinking of it? It? Does she want to keep it? Should he tell her what he wants? No, it doesn't matter what he wants, does it? "Please say something."

"Would you...Harry, would you mind stepping outside for a moment?" Her tone was smooth and easy, but it had a certain edge to it. Something that sounded like she was close to breaking down.



He pushed his glasses to the top of his head and dropped his head to his shoulder. "I need you to talk to me. Just tell me what you're thinking."

He was taken aback when he felt one of her hands take his left hand's fingers. "I'm going to be honest with you, okay?"

"That's what matters."

"I'm sorry-"

"You didn't do anything." It was a quick response but he felt like he needed to say it. "This isn't your fault and you don't have to-"

"I'm going to keep it."

He widened his eyes and slackened his jaw. She was sorry because she wanted to keep it? He was silent for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. She sounded scared. Of him?

"You can um...leave? If you want?"

"Josephine." Harry walked closer to her and then dropped to his knees by the bedside, lifting his hands to the sides of her head. He pushed his forehead against hers and shook his head slowly. "I love you. I love you, do you know that?"


He pretended that her silence wasn't making him freak out. Her pulse was shaking against his wrists as he held her in place. "I love you. Please don't cry. It's us. This isn't just you, you should know that by now."

"We've only been dating for a few months, Harry."

"Please stop crying." He was wiping the tears from under her eyes. Pressing small kisses to her face until he felt her smile against him. "Hey. Hey, we're going on a year in another two months."

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