12 Vibrations

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sometimes we make it work.

Harry got a call around five in the afternoon. Josephine wanted him to meet her in the gallery. Said it was urgent and very important, though she sounded more excited than anxious.

It took him a while to get into the building, having to rely more on the people around him than on the cane he didn't have. He was walking slowly up the stairs when he thought he heard something fall from behind the lobby desk that she was always at.


There was no answer.

"Jo?" It was louder this time, and he bowed his head, straining his ears for any other sound.

"Up-" a voice came. She sounded different. "I'm upstairs. Hurry up."

He reached out a hand, guiding himself to a door he hadn't known existed before walking through. The steps were larger than usual and hit his ankles hard, making him groan at the impact before he continued.

When the wooden floorboards below his feet began to creak, he tilted his head to the side; unsure. He didn't know if he was in the right room.


"There's an x mark behind you and to the right. It's taped down so if you move your feet, I'm sure you'll feel it." She sounded distant.

He wondered how big the room was. "What are you up to?"

There was a laugh and then a click. "I want you to look down and then slowly lift your head."

"Are you taking pictures?"

"I can if you want me to." She let out another laugh that made him smile. He dropped his head to hide it. "Matter of fact, I'll do just that. You know, reactions and stuff."

Harry put his hands in his pockets and licked his lips, having no choice but to trust her. The taped x mark was more thick than he thought it would have been, which meant she really wanted it to be noticed.

Something went off and made a sound. It was sharp and loud and he cringed a little, raising his hands to his chest to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"Now look up. Slowly."

Look up. His lips formed something between a frown and a straight line. "Joey-"

"Do it."

He brought his head forward delicately, lifting his eyes before allowing a wide grin to take place on his lips. His eyes widened against the bright green light ahead of him. It was brighter than the one he'd seen at the bar they went to. "Green," he breathed out, pushing his hair back and trying not to smile as much as he was. "It's so bright. It's so nice."

He didn't know if she knew what he was looking at.

He put up a hand, wiggling his fingers in the air. "Come. Look at it, it's such a nice color."

Joey giggled as a response. It was short and quiet, but he had no doubt it happened. "I need to stay here. Now hold on, okay?"

He nodded and bit down on his bottom lip as the color disappeared, replaced by an even brighter one. The new one was closer of a color to the street lamp bulbs and apartment bulbs. It reminded him of a subtle happiness, though it also had an empty vibe to it.

But it was new and it was beautiful and he had a name on his lips when he smiled again.

"Is that red?"

"Close," she answered. He nodded and waited. "It's yellow."

"They don't sound close."

"They're um, they're actually not that close. Don't know why I said that, sorry. But," her voice rose in excitement, "it is close to white."

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