My Love For You

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It was break, and you were sitting in your desk, staring out the window. You sighed.
"What's wrong?" You snapped your head up and saw a certain brit. A grin made it's way onto your face. "Hakuba-san!" You say. He smiled. "Hello, (y/n)-san." He replied.
"When did you get back?" You asked. "Yesterday. I heard that you were injured."
"Oh, yeah. I was out with Kaito-- Not on a date or anything don't think that--"
He chuckled, but you swore there was an edge in his voice.
"-- and there was a shooting. I got shot. But I can move around better now." As if to show it, you punched your fist into the air, only to receive a painful jab. "Ouch." Hakuba chuckled.
"Oh yes," He said, "I was going to ask you something." You put your arm down. "What is it?" Hakuba's face was tinted pink. Wait-- was he blushing? "W-well..." THE Hakuba was stuttering.
He then mumbled something that you couldn't hear. "... What?"
"I um was wondering... since there's a party tonight and um... Kaitou Kid is going to be there to... Erm steal the 'Rose Crystal,' and the requirements are to uh..."
"Oh come on just spit it out."
"W-will you be my date?!" He blurted out.
The two of you sat in silence for a while. You felt warmth creep onto your face before smiling. "S-sure... I'll um... be your date... I guess..." You mumbled, rubbing the back of your head in embarrassment. Yes, you knew about Kaito's heist, which is to steal the "Rose Crystal." He had told you the day prior to this one. You were a little disappointed, since you wanted a "certain someone" to ask you.
'I was hoping that Kuroba-san would ask me... wait what am I saying?! He's just my friend and nothing more!! A-and besides, he likes Aoko, right?!' You yelled inside your head.
"So... um... I'll pick you up at eight?" Hakuba asked. You nodded. Then, the bell rung. It was the final period now. "Alright, s-see you then!" He said, then he ran off.
--Time Skip--
It was now after school. You were packing your bags when Kaito came up to you. "Yo, (y/n)!" He then gave you a noogie. "K-Kuroba-san!? What are you doing?!" You yelled, trying to pry his arm off you. "Hey hey so you know about the heist tonight right?" He asked.
"Yeah, what do you need?"
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go with me..."
You blinked. Why would he asked you of all people?! "Ah... you were a bit late Kuroba-san."
"Hakuba-san already asked me during break..."
"O-oh okay then... sorry for bothering you... I'll uh... I'll see you later!" And he ran off. You blinked. He had asked but... "... I've already agreed with Hakuba-san..." You sighed.
--Time Skip--
It was eight o'clock. You were standing in front of your house, wearing a (f/c) ( meikohonma ). Hakuba wasn't here yet. Did he forget (A/N: OMG SO POETIC)?
You sighed and was about to go back inside when a silver car pulled into your driveway. Hakuba stepped out wearing a suit, and looked over at you. "Ah, (y/n)! You look lovely this evening." He said. "Thanks, you look 'dashing' in your suit as well, Hakuba-san." You chuckle. He blushed. "W-we shouldn't just stand around and chat or we'll be late!" He stuttered, opening the door for you. You went to the car and smiled at him. "Thank you." And stepped inside the car.
--Time Skip--
You and Hakuba sat at a dinner table for two, that was close to the large stage, where the "Rose Crystal" would be shown. You had heard of the Jewel. Kaito had showed you a picture of it the day before the heist.
Apparently, it was a ring made of crystal that was naturally red. The crystal was carved into the shape of a very detailed rose. It was presented to the Princess Maria (made up) on her wedding day, by her beloved, Prince David (also made up). Princess Maria would wear the ring everyday, until she died. Princess Maria had said, in her own words, that she wanted to display the ring as a precious Jewel for everyone to see, because she and her beloved couldn't bear such a beautiful ring buried under the dirt.
And so, they were going to display it, on the anniversary of her death. They do it every year, so the Prince and Princess wouldn't be forgotten. "Um... (y/n)-san?" Hakuba asked.
"I was wondering... if..."
You waited patiently for Hakuba to finish his sentance. "... Um... I was wondering if you'd like to be my gir--" Before he could finish his sentance, the lights turned off. "It's Kaitou Kid!!" Someone yelled. "What?!" Hakuba gasped. "Sorry, (y/n)-san, I'll be back..."
"It's okay. You gotta do your job right?" You said, though you didn't actually mean it. You heard Hakuba's footsteps leave. You breathed a sigh of relief. Why? You don't know. Then you felt an arm snake around your waist.
"Yo, Birdie." A voice said right next to your ear. "K-Kaito?!" You whispered, surprised. "Hey. Meet me at the rooftop in 15 minutes." He said. Then he disappeared.
--Time Skip--
You stood at the rooftop, watching the moon. The cold air pulled at your (h/l), (h/c) hair. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" You whirled around to see Kaito. You smiled. "I guess it is."
"So, you're Hakuba's date, eh?" You stared at him, confused. "Yeah, so?"
"... He didn't... ask you anything did he?"
Okay, now you were even more confused. "No..." He sighed in relief. "That's good, now I can ask. He walked up to you and took your hand. "Um, (y/n)..." He began. You felt something being slipped onto your middle finger. "... W-will you be my girlfriend?" His face was as red as a tomato. But that doesn't mean yours wasn't either. Before you could say anything, the doors burst open. "Freeze, Kaitou Kid!!" It was Inspector Nakamori, with Hakuba along side him. Kaito smirked. "This wasn't what I was looking for anyway, I will now take my leave!" His hanglider sprang up, but before he left he whispered something in your ear.
"Tell me your answer tomorrow." And flew off.
--Time Skip--
You opened your eyes and yawned. It was Saturday, the day you could sleep in. Maybe. Checking your clock, you groaned. It was still 9:15 in the morning. Well, now that you're awake you could go get dressed and maybe have a little walk in the morning.
Once you put on your clothes, had a bowl of cereal, you stepped outside and was greeted with the cool Spring air. Walking down the street, you recalled to the day before, when Kaito had confessed to you. When were you supposed to meet him? If you couldn't meet him, how were you supposed to give him your answer? While deep in though, you turned a corner and walked right into something solid.
"Oof!" You looked up to see...
"Kaito?!" He grinned sheepishly. "Heyyy, (y/n)..." He said, giving a half hearted wave. You grinned. "Morning, Kuroba-san. What're you doing out here in the morning?" You asked.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Ah, I woke up early and decided on a morning walk."
"Hah, same..."
"What's wrong? You seem off."
"Well... I was thinking... you probably said yes to Hakuba's question, right?"

After Kaito flew off, Hakuba ran up to you. "(Y/n), are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked, worridly. You laughed. "No, he didn't. I'm fine. Oh yes, what were you going to ask me?"
He blushed. "W-well... I was going to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend..." He mumbled. "Oh. Well, sorry to break it to you but... I love someone else."
"Huh? Oh, uh who is that?"
You smile and took off the ring. "... That's a secret." You say, tossing the ring to him.

Kaito stared at you in surprise. "Y-you rejected him?" He asked.
"But that also means... you like someone else, huh..."
"Yeah, I do."
"So... I guess the answer to my question is a no. Haha, yeah I got my hopes up for nothi--"
You silenced him by pressing your lips to his. When you pulled away, you grinned at his bewildered expression. "That's my answer to yours." You say. A smile slowly crept onto Kaito's face. "Awesome!" He says, kissing you again. You laughed. "So, you want to go anywhere?" You asked him. "Hmm..." He placed a finger on his chin. "... How about we go to the amusement park? We haven't gone there together in a long time!" He said.
"Sounds good to me!" And so, the two of you ran off together, hand in hand.

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