Lady Bird

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"BaKaito!! Why did you look at my panties again!?" Aoko yelled, picking up a chair and using it as a weapon to hit Kaito. Kaito was dodging her attacks with his flashy grin on his face as usual.
"Because it's fun to see your reaction!!" He snickered. Aoko's face went even redder than it was before. "You pervert!!" She screamed, and threw the chair at him. He ducked. At that exact moment, the door opened...
"Good morning sensei--"


... And that was how you ended up in the hospital with Aoko and Kaito in front of you on their knees.
"We are very sorry (y/n)-chan!!" Aoko said.
"We are very sorry (y/n)!!" Kaito echoed. You pressed your fingers (gently) to your bandaged forehead.

"It's fine," you said, "... At least it wasn't too serious." Aoko sighed in relief. Kaito, who was blushing in embarrassment for being so stupid, was looking in away. Aoko smacked his head. "If you hadn't looked at my panties this wouldn't have happened, BaKaito!!" She said, glaring at him. "Yeah yeah yeah I'm sorry okay!?" He cried, rubbing his head.
...And there goes your Wednesday morning...

--Time Skippy To Thursday Morning!--

♧Kaito's POV♧
Man... I feel so bad... I mean, yeah, I wasn't the one who threw the chair but... it WAS kind of my fault...
"Oi, Kuroba-san. Kuroba-san!" The voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey, are you okay? You've been spacing out." Oh, it was (y/n)...
"A-ah... I'm fine. Don't worry about it (y/n)." I say. She frowned. But then regained her usual posture.

"If you still feel bad about yesterday don't worry. I feel fine!" She said, a small smile on her face. "Besides, isn't AOKO the one you should be worried about?" I felt heat rising to my face.

"W-whaaaat!?" I exclaimed, nearly falling out of my chair. She snickered.
"Well, Hakuba-san seems to have taken a liking to her! And if your not soon enough, who knows when he'll steal her heart?"
"W-well, who cares?! Who'd like an old hag like her?!" Her smirk grew and her (e/c) eyes narrowed. Oh god, now she looks like one of those cats!
"Ohh?? You shouldn't lie to your heart Kuroba-kun~" She said. I gulped. When she calls me that, it's usually to tease me. And she always says it in such a creepy tone too! Yeesh!

"I-i'm not lying to myself!! B-besides I... like someone else..." I said the last part quietly, but she heard it anyway.
"Really? Who is it??"
"J-just somebody!!"
"Then I'll find it out!"

--Another Time Skippy!!--

♢??? POV♢
It was 7:59 pm. Jii had called me last week about Kaitou Kid's next heist. Yes, I know who Kid actually was, but I never said anything about it. Truth is, I'm a thief. A Phantom Thief, just like Kid himself. I am "Lady Bird." And right now, I was standing on the roof, waiting for Kid's arrival.

Dong... Dong... Dong... the clock struck 8. Time for Kid to shine. I leaped off the building, spread my "wings" (a hang glider lololol) and "flew" to the building-- the big dome-- for Kid's heist. Tonight, he is planning to steal "Maiden's Jewel" (I made it up), a blue Sapphire. I snuck into the building and hung by my legs upside down on a beam. No one seemed to notice my presence. Well, good thing I was wearing a long jacket and not a mini-skirt.
"Listen up! Tonight, we are going to catch Kaitou Kid no matter what! You hear me?! We'll have the advantage tonight! He's not here yet!" Ahh, it was Inspector Nakamori. I smirked.

'Wrong,' I thought, 'because...' The lights flicked off. '...He's already here.'
People were panicking, but outside, people were screaming "Kid!!" And "Kid-sama!!" Sneaking up to the roof, I waited for Kaitou Kid to make his appearance.

♧Kaito's POV♧

Haha, this was way to easy. Stealing the "Maiden's Jewel" was a piece of cake. As usual, I ran past the guards and up to the roof. As I stood at the edge I could hear my fans screaming. Heh.
I was about to open my hang glider when I heard someone clapping behind me. I turned my head and saw a girl wearing a white jacket ( genderbend-n ) that was... pretty long. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was blowing in the wind. She had a small smirk on her face, though, half of it was covered with a white top hat similar to mine, so I couldn't see her eyes. She tilted her top hat a bit higher and her smirk grew wider.

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