Chapter 7

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Aghaya's POV:

"Come on...wake up. Aghanya... Aghanya?" I pushed away his face away which I was sure was hovering over me. He just chuckled. I hated it when someone wakes me up.

"Aghanya... Last warning, wake up." He warned. I just gave a sound of disapproval. "Geez, you love sleeping so much... but I'm sure you'll like this better..."

I felt him placing a kiss on the corner of my lips. He did not just play sleeping beauty on me. And he didn't stop there, I felt him kissing my lips but before I could kiss more, he pulled away.

"More..." I groaned.

"No more! Wake up Aghanya or we'll be late! You wound me, how can my earth shattering kiss not wake you up? Wake up!" He screamed in my ear.

"WHAT? WHAT IS IT?" I yelled at him opening my eyes and sitting up. I was really really grumpy in the morning and I hated it when somebody woke me up. He just backed off with a woah. I looked at the time. It was freaking four in the morning.

"Do you want to die Viren Raizada? What is so important that you had to wake me up at four a.m. ? Seriously do you want to die?"

"Nope. Not as a virgin, sweetheart." He pushed me towards the bathroom. I unwillingly brushed my teeth.

"Don't even tell me you're a virgin!" I scoffed with a mouthful of lather.

"I'm not a virgin but you are." He winked at me through the reflection. How he even understood my gibberish was beyond me.

"What are you doing? Why are you making me brush at 4 a.m?" He was already ready, in a blue jeans and a black turtle neck. "Do I need to bath for this?" I asked lazily. "Hop in the shower if you'd like, if you want me to, I'll do it too." He waggled his eyebrows. He threw a towel at me and I hopped inside the shower. I thought I'd fall asleep while standing.

I moaned in agony and put on clothes. I didn't brush my hair or wear make up. It was too early for that shit. I got out of the room and Viren rushed me out inside a car. Oh God! Why is he doing this?

I tried falling asleep inside the car but Viren woke me up every time. So I tried to imagine different ways I could murder him and that really helped. And we reached a fancy looking building with glass panels.

"Ugh! Viren! Please tell me. Why are you doing this to me? Have I wronged you in any way?" I asked him inside the elevator.

The building had 52 floors and it was taking forever. "Patience, sweetheart. Patience..." He placed a kiss on my hair. "Woah..that is wet. You're gonna freeze... Aghanya, Why didn't you blow dry your hair?"

"I'm too sleepy Viren. Too sleepy. I can barely walk now. " I said grumpily and walked out of the elevator.

He took my hand and we climbed a couple of stairs. He then opened a metal door. The wind swished. I pulled my coat closer to my body. We were on a rooftop. It was still dark. But it was serene.

Viren walked ahead and climbed a metal ladder to a concrete slab. I climbed, Viren gave me a hand and I climbed on. That slab was a water tank, I assumed. On that slab was an open shed. Inside was a picnic cloth, yeah the red and white checks one. And ofcourse a picnic basket. That wasn't the best part, the best part was the shed was decorated with strings of lights and some of them were hanging down.

"Wow...Viren.... This looks amazing." I said in awe.

"I tried." He said.

"But I don't get it, we could've done this at night. Why now?" I asked puzzed. But instead he poured me coffee in a mug. It's aroma was so so good. I wrapped my hands around the mug to let the warmth seep in.

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