Chapter 36

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Skylar’s day was just picking up when she got back to campus and retreated to her dorm room. She still hadn’t decided what to do with the beautiful dress she’d bought for Ryan’s benefit, having decided against wearing it to their date the night before and knowing it would only give him the wrong idea if she wore it for their dinner together. Until she could figure it out, she shoved it to the back of her wardrobe and got ready for him. He was due to stop by around five o’clock and it was already half past four, she only had half an hour to get ready. But she figured the less time she had, the less time she had to worry about what to wear and what was going to happen between them. She had gone for a shower and was just fastening the clip on her skirt when there was a knock at the door, around quarter to five. She panicked slightly, cutting her finger on the fastening only to curse herself for it when she opened the door to find Eliza there. “Are you alright?” She asked in amusement, watching her as she sucked her thumb like a little girl only to laugh when she explained what she had done and why. She had known there was something serious between her and Ryan but she hadn’t been utterly sure of it and had had no confirmation until she saw her look just then.

“How’s Joachim?” Skylar wondered softly, leaving the door open as she invited Eliza in, only to see the bewildered look on her face as she sat down on the desk chair and shrugged. She explained how he was feeling better and would get home that night since he had no internal bleeding and no damaged ribs just lots of bruises and scrapes. She also explained their conversation, the proposal and how she accepted. But what Skylar had trouble dealing with was the arrival of Ryan at that very moment. His congratulations stopped those very words from coming out her mouth, making Eliza turn and look at him, thanking him and unknowingly making their relationship worse.

“I hear the two of you are together now? It’s nice to see you both so happy.” She commented, not realising what it did to them to hear it. Ryan just stared at her as she stared back at him, not knowing what to say, a little disappointed and hurt by the way he brushed it off, saying they were just friends. She knew she shouldn’t have been since she had pushed him away countless times and had been the one to ask for space…but…she loved him. Hearing him say that they were just friends only added to the heartache she was already suffering because of her ‘job’. “But…I…” Eliza looked straight at Skylar, having figured from the very way she spoke about Ryan that they were an item and even the hurt on her face said that she wished it was so. All she could imagine was that once again Ryan had jumped the gun and changed his mind at the last minute, promising her a relationship only to take it away from her again. She confessed innocently that she had just assumed it, only for Ryan to make it worse again.

“Yeah well, we’re just friends.” He sighed, fed up with the conversation already and how everyone was making assumptions as to what their relationship was. She was just as bad as Skylar was, she couldn’t let it rest. She couldn’t settle on one decision, she had to keep chopping and changing back and forwards between one thing and another. But when she smiled and started saying that she was so sure they were made for each other, it just felt like she was twisting the knife Skylar had already shoved into his heart and he had to stop her before she finished her sentence. “We’re just friends!” He snapped at her unintentionally, having to take a deep breath before he said anything else. Skylar was near to tears and staring at him but he wasn’t sure what she wanted him to do. She either wanted him to love her unconditionally as he already did, or she wanted some distance…she couldn’t have it both ways, though she was trying her best to make it happen.

“I’m sorry we can’t stay and celebrate with you but Ryan’s already made a reservation at the restaurant. You’re welcome to join us if you like?” Skylar offered softly, turning the conversation from the delicate subject they were on, glad to see a thankful look from Ryan that said he appreciated her covering him. But Eliza figured it was about time she left, something was going on between the two of them that he found uncomfortable and it was best for her not to interfere. She just wanted her new friend to be happy, even if that meant being with Ryan and putting up with his moods, she seemed perfectly capable of dealing with him.

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