Chapter 20

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Ryan left the party not long after Niles went back inside, intent on going home, doing a little research and arranging a week or two for a holiday. He didn’t know what he’d do with it but if anything it would give him time to think. He headed off for a walk, hoping the fresh air would do him good but just as he reached the end of the street there was a clap of thunder and a second later he was getting drenched by a downpour of rain. And he couldn’t help but laugh. It was typical. When he saw a black Mercedes stopping across the street he couldn’t help but stop and stare as the passenger door opened. He couldn’t have moved if he’d wanted to, and he didn’t much want to. The brunette beauty who stepped out wasn’t much more of a figure in the growing dark, since it was almost nine o’clock, but there was something that made him stop and wait. The shouting that followed her exit from the car was unexpected as she traded insults with the driver before slamming the passenger door shut and opening the back door. Her long dark hair, hanging in straight lines over her shoulders was flattened and completely drenched within minutes but still Ryan was completely speechless at how beautiful she was, now illuminated as she slammed the back door shut and stepped back into the light from the lamppost behind her as the Mercedes sped off within a second of her closing the door. Her hair had darkened with the rain, probably more of a chocolate brown than the deep almost black colour it was then, beautiful brown eyes that seemed to sparkle and smile at him as she gave him a quick glance and then turned her attention to the bag lying on the ground, against the lamppost. She wasn’t tall, not as tall as he was at 5’11”, but she wasn’t too short, a decent enough figure.

Ryan had no idea what to do, or if he should even say anything. There was something though, something that didn’t quite seem right with her but then the feeling went away in a second. He could tell, somehow, that she was crying and was really upset and he wanted to make sure she was okay, but knew that it was impossible without a reason. When opportunity knocked a moment later, Ryan welcomed her in with a smile as she looked around her and made a move to her right, only to drop one of the multiple folders in her hand. Crossing at a slight jog across the road, he lifted the folder for her and instantly fell in love with the thankful smile she showed him as he handed it over to her.

Gathering himself together again, Ryan slipped off his jacket, now completely oblivious to the fact that he didn’t even know this girl’s name, and only concerned with staying with her a little longer as he wrapped it around her shoulders, smiling when she blushed slightly and thanked him. “Why don’t I give you a hand with that?” He offered, taking the folders that balanced on her right arm, freeing up her hands. “Do you live around here?” He asked, and then all too able to see her hesitation to answer, a slight smile on her lips as she stared at him curiously and slipped his jacket on properly, he went on to explain his intention, to let her know that he wasn’t a complete psychopathic maniac. “I mean if you don’t mind the company, then I’ll walk you home. It’s getting dark and you’re soaking.” He maintained, unable to hide his smile when she blushed and returned the smile, sweeter and more inviting than before. “I’ll take these and we’ll get you home?” He offered, remembering what he was talking about. When Ryan saw her agreeing nod he couldn’t stop himself from holding his hand out and introducing himself, hoping to find out her name. “Ryan Palmer.”

“Nikita Clarke.” She smiled as she slipped her hand into his, subtly giving him an approving look over, taking in his gorgeous blue eyes before anything else even caught her attention. And for a few minutes they just stood there staring at each other, Nikita’s hand still in his as she took in the way he looked. But she was curious as she stared back at him. She could tell that he was either a keen sportsman or a gym buff because he had an amazing body, his white shirt clinging to him in the rain, matched well with dirty denim jeans and a pair of sneakers. Then suddenly, just as she was beginning to feel a little dizzy, with the intensity of his eyes and the way her night had been, Nikita’s attention was caught by the clap of thunder that interrupted them, causing them to both look up at the dark sky and smile at each other in united agreement. “We should go.” Ryan was beginning to hate the fact that it was raining, it had been okay when it had given him an opportunity to speak to Nikita, with her sweet smile and her captivating eyes, her lips shining in evidence of her lip gloss, and it was almost too much. All he could think about as they walked along the street, following her lead, was kissing her and it was driving him crazy. He’d never known anything like it and he wasn’t sure if he liked it. It was like a complete loss of control. And he knew that if it was always like that with her, then he’d never be able to handle it, or be around her without going insane with wanting her.

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