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After the funeral of the two souls the whole family again reached in Mumbai..

They all are sitting in a awkward silence when suhana break the silence

"I want to say you all something" she said pointing towards her sons

"As your mother, I have had the privilege of watching you grow into the remarkable men you are today. Now, as you step into new phases of your lives, I want to share some thoughts that I hope will guide you in nurturing and cherishing your marriages." She said, when Faris told her about arsh harsh reality because she was insisting to.know what happened on the death spot

"First and foremost, remember that marriage is a partnership built on mutual respect and understanding. Your wives are your partners in every sense of the word. They are not just companions but equals, deserving of your respect, kindness, and appreciation. Always value their opinions, support their dreams, and acknowledge their contributions to your lives and your family." She said and yunus smiled proudly at his sister's words...

"You are right bhabhi" raziya said

"Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Be open, honest, and transparent with your wives. Share your thoughts, your hopes, your fears, and your joys. Listen to them with empathy and without judgment. In doing so, you will build a strong foundation of trust and intimacy that will withstand the tests of time." Raziya said and suhana nodded

"Patience and understanding are essential. There will be times of disagreement and conflict, but it is how you handle these moments that will define your relationship. Approach each challenge with a calm and open heart. Seek to understand rather than to win. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, but a strength that shows your commitment to your marriage."suhana said and the triplets (Faris ahaan and umar) nodded their head

"Show your love and appreciation daily. Never take your wives for granted. Small acts of kindness, thoughtful gestures, and words of affirmation can go a long way in keeping the flame of love alive. Celebrate their achievements, comfort them in times of sorrow, and always remind them how much they mean to you." Suhana said this in deep thinking and a lone tear escaped from her eyes because her husband never provided her this respect

"Support and uplift each other. Life is full of ups and downs, and it is during the difficult times that your support for one another becomes most crucial. Be each other’s rock, offering strength and encouragement when needed. Together, you can face any challenge that comes your way." Yunus said and they all smiled

"Lastly, always remember the importance of family. Your wives are now a part of our extended family, and it is our duty to welcome them with open arms and hearts. Treat them with the same love and respect that you would want for yourselves. Create a home filled with warmth, laughter, and love." Suhana said and Faris come in front and kiss on her both hands and forehead

"not only wife but we will respect you all too" he said and suhana smiled in tears

"Faris and Ahaan, you both have the ability to create beautiful, loving marriages. I have no doubt that you will make wonderful husbands. Cherish your wives, honor your commitments, and let love guide you in every step of your journey together." Raziya said and noor and suneha both smiled

"Faris, life has brought us many challenges, and one of the hardest things to navigate can be our emotions, especially when it comes to jealousy and anger. I know that the situation with Arsh was very difficult for you, and I am deeply sorry for the pain it caused. His passing is a tragic event, and it has left a deep mark on all of us." Suhana said and again their was a silence

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