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In a silent room, a man sits with his phone in hand, his gaze fixed on a picture of a girl. His expression softens as he traces the contours of her smile, lost in the emotions that the image evokes. The silence around him seems to amplify the beating of his heart, each moment filled with revenge and lust.

He savors every detail, every nuance captured in the photo, as if trying to etch them into his memory forever. In that solitary moment, amidst the quietude, his lust and revenge for her shines brightly, a silent testament to the depth of his revenge

"No Faris... everything can't be attained by you" he said with a smirk and hatred

He closed his eyes and remember the talk with his dad

"You have to snatch everything from that my stupid son you know na, that how much hate I have for him" his father said with pure hatred and he was listening all his bullshit because he was tracing the photo of noor

"Are you listening, you deaf" his father again spoke and this time he moved his eyes from the photo to hai father

"Ofcourse dad I'm listening, And I promise I'll snatch every single thing from my step brother" he said

"Ofcourse arsh you can" his father said and started laughing like a maniac while his son was only looking at the picture

His trance was broken by the knocking on the door..

"Come in" arsh said

"Sir everything is done, you can execute your plan" his secretary said and left the room while arsh just smirk

"I'm coming soon my beloved sunshine" arsh said and kissed the photo


I don't know how Faris and ahaan can handle those blabbering queen here I'm getting annoyed by this stupid girl, I even can't focus on the driving, chattering away incessantly, her words a torrent of nonsensical ramblings.

With each passing moment, my annoyance grows, the steady rhythm of her voice becoming a grating noise in my ears.

"Where are we going"

"Aren't you kidnapping me"

"Are you going to sell me"

"Listen man you don't know anything about my power I am specialized in karate and marital arts"

Despite my efforts to focus on the road, her relentless chatter distracts me, testing my patience. I steals glances at her, struggling to mask my irritation behind a cold face, all the while longing for the blissful silence that eludes me. In that confined space of the car, i feelings oscillate between fondness and exasperation, as i  navigates both the road and the tumultuous stream of her words.

"I'm asking you last time tell me where are you taking me" she again spoke

"And I'm also telling you last time, if you won't stop your chattering box then I'll throw you out of the running car and don't trust me if I'm saying that I'll throw you from the car then I can" I said dangerously because now I can't handle it anymore

"What do you mean, how can you do this and" she was saying but got interrupted by my phone..i took a sigh and pick up the call

"Yeah Faris what happen"

"Where are you" he asked

"I'll tell you everything once I reach alive" I said

"What" he said

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