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"Sounds good with me." Cygnus says nodding in understanding, still smiling enthusiastically.

Hermione tries her best to maintain her smile as she forces herself to not get swept away by his charisma and confidence.

"Then it's all set. We'll meet up during lunch time and we can start the tutoring sessions." She says, making her own smile seem a bit more natural and genuine than before. She then begins to gather her books and bag as she gets ready to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow after lunch then." Cygnus says, getting up from his chair, walking her to the exit of the library. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." She replies. She can't help but notice how gallant he is as he walks her to the door. She then proceeds to leave the library, making sure she doesn't miss a single one of this boy's charming moves.

Hermione proceeds to her class with Cygnus being always at the back of her mind. All throughout class she can't stop herself from thinking about him and how she finds him oddly charming. Her suspicion towards him was starting to falter due to her growing feelings for him. She had always been good at not letting feelings interfere with her judgment of others but when it came to Cygnus her judgment and decisions became slightly blurred.

Meanwhile at the library, Cygnus was lounging around at the table he and Hermione were using while discussing about her tutoring him in transfiguration.

To be honest, Cygnus wasn't actually failing transfiguration. "Are you really failing transfiguration?" Pisces asks nonchalantly approaching his little brother. "And shouldn't you be in class?" He raises a brow at Cygnus as he takes a seat across him.

Cygnus rolls his eyes. "I could asks you the same question. What are you doing in library and not in class?" He asks as Pisces looks around the library a bored expression on his face. "Answer my question first." Pisces says crossing his arms and leaning back against his chair.

"Ugh... I'm not really failing in transfiguration and even if I was you'd be the first person I'd go to help to." Cygnus says to his older brother. He leans back into his own chair, keeping an ear out just in case someone was eavesdropping on them.

Pisces let's out a small smile, when Cygnus admits to asking for  Pisces's help if he ever found a subject difficult. "Okay, so why did you asks Granger to tutor you?" He asks confused why Cygnus was pretending to have difficulty with transfiguration. Cygnus simply let's out a mischievous grin and Pisces sighs understanding that Cygnus wasn't going to tell him anything.

At the Gryfindor common rooms, Hermione was trying to read a book but she couldn't concentrate as Ron and Harry keep asking her questions about why Cygnus asks her to meet him in the library.

She was trying to concentrate on her book and read about the various potion compounds that were used for potions but the constant chatter of her two friends kept distracting her. She was starting to feel annoyed with their constant questions about him as she just wanted to focus on what she was reading.

"Come on Hermione! Just tell us why Cygnus wanted to meet you at the library! Any bits of information is pretty much useful to us, since we're getting no where!" Ron exclaims in exasperated and he was right any bit of information is useful to their investigation since they weren't going anywhere with finding out more about Rigel, Cepheus, or even the Drakes.

"He asked me for tutoring on Transfiguration, okay? But that's it. That's all he asked me for." She finally snaps, feeling frustrated since she just wanted to focus on reading her book, but the boys weren't letting her. She was also starting to get tired of their constant probing of questions surrounding Cygnus.

The Ron looked a bit disappointed at her answer but then Harry says that it was a bit suspicious for Cygnus to suddenly asks Hermione to tutor her when he could just asks one of his housemates or his older brother, Pisces, for help.

Hermione tries to ignore her friends constant questioning as she focuses on her studies but she can't help hearing a few words that the two boys were discussing in the background. She didn't say anything but she was starting to doubt Cygnus's intentions as she thought about what the two boys said. He truly could've asked someone else to tutor him, but he didn't. She was starting to get confused about his reasons for requesting that she tutor him.

But then the fact that she wasn't able to find any information on Cepheus Black was starting to bug her. She wasn't sure why but she felt some sort of importance on knowing who Cepheus Black was, and the fact that the librarian was unwilling to tell her anything was only increasing her curiosity. She was determined to find out who Cepheus Black was and what his connection was to Cygnus or Sirius.

The fact that she couldn't figure out why she considered Cepheus Black so important to the whole situation was also adding to her frustration. She wasn't sure why she had this gut feeling that Cepheus Black was connected to Cygnus and yet she just couldn't crack the code and figure out how. She was starting to feel annoyed at herself for not being able to connect the dots.

Hermione decides that it would be best if she headed to the library to do some research on Cepheus Black before dinner. She had been thinking about him and how he is involved in the whole situation. She couldn't help feeling frustrated at how she couldn't figure out his importance. She really hoped that her investigation into Cepheus Black would help her connect the dots about the whole situation, because she was starting to feel slightly annoyed that everything was so scattered and no clear direction.

As she walks into the library, Hermione notices a book sitting out of the corner of her eye. She isn't quite sure why it caught her eye but she was drawn to it for some reason. She was so intrigued by the book, as if it was calling to her to come check it out. She goes over to the book and picks it up curiously.

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