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Professor Houche gives a stern warning to both boys, giving them detention for their reckless stunt. Despite the incident, Cygnus still couldn't help but grin slightly, finding it amusing how he got detention for doing such a small thing. He wasn't the least bit worried about getting detention, in fact, being on the Quidditch team gave him a lot of privileges. But still, he was disappointed that his detention might get in the way of him having lunch with Luna.

Cygnus and Alistair make their way over to the detention. "Is your family hosting a holiday ball like last year or did decide not to?" Alistair asks as they walk over to their next class. Cygnus hums in response as he absently looks around at the students they pass by around the corridor. "Don't really know. Mother says if we do throw one we'd have to invite a few pure blood families like the Malfoys, the Parkinsons, etc." Cygnus shrugs, as Alistair groans at the mention of pure blood families.

"Ugh, I don't see what's so important about pure bloods." Alistair exclaims, rolling his eyes dramatically. Cygnus hums in response as he keeps walking along, his eyes still wandering aimlessly. "Father said that's it's best to just invite them over or else it would cause a scandal. And honestly scandals are even more annoying to deal with honestly." Cygnus responds his eyes still wandering around their surroundings. Cygnus's response makes Alistair realize that the latter was right once again. It was easier to appease everyone instead of having to deal with unnecessary dramas or scandals. "You're right." Alistair responds with a sigh of his own, knowing that he wasn't going to win this debate.

Cygnus couldn't help but smirk at that, he was right. Scandal was the absolute last thing he or his family wanted. He knows that his family was already seen bad enough by some members of the society. They don't need to risk adding more fuel to an already burning fire.

"I wish that whole Pure Blood thing would just be forgotten already. It sounds so stupid if you ask me." Alistair comments, shaking his head in disgust. Cygnus nods his head in agreement, thinking about all the pointless things in pure blood culture makes it so annoying. But he agreed with his friend that sometimes it was better to just give those purists what they wanted in order to prevent scandals. If only they weren't so insufferable...

At the library, the trio is in a heated debate about the Drakes, trying to come up with a good strategy to find out more about the family. Harry and Ron want to prioritize the investigation while Hermione is more concerned with fulfilling their Potion assignments. They had just agreed to finish their Potion assignment and meet up after to discuss what information they would try to research first.

"I'll try to ask my dad if he knows anything about the Drakes and what not." Ron suggest, since his father, Arthur Weasley, was working for the ministry he might something about the Drakes.  "...That's a good idea Ron." Harry comments thinking about how the Ministry must have files of important people with important connections. But that begs the question. Would they even have a file on the Drakes? Harry's mind is quickly racing with questions while Ron is still thinking about how he would convince his dad to do some digging for them.

"Can you also asks Arthur if he knows anything about Cepheus?" Hermione says as she opens the yearbook they found and shows them a picture of Cepheus. "I have a hunch that Cepheus is one of Sirius's little brothers. After all he looks exactly like him."

Harry's mouth immediately drops opening as he processes the information in front of him. Ron quickly follows his reaction as both of them stare at the picture. Hermione was right, he looked just like Sirius but his hair was a different length It was very possible that he is related to Sirius as Sirius had two brothers, one of whom was dead but they had no idea what happened to the other.

"Looks like we have two mysteries to solve now." Harry says still looking at Cepheus's photo. "Exactly." Hermione agrees as she closes the yearbook. "So the Drakes and Cepheus Black. Do you think he is related to Sirius? His appearance is too similar to be a coincidence."

"Not to mention Cepheus has the same last name as Sirius." Ron points out now thinking how he would convince his dad to dig information about Cepheus. "And that too." Harry adds, his mind going into overdrive as he makes the connection between the two names being the same. Hermione nods as she thinks of various possibilities this information could be connected to. She was certain that everything they had just uncovered was connected.

Hermione continues to theorize on how all this information might connect to each other while Harry and Ron discuss how they would ask Ron's dad to find information about Cepheus. They are unaware that someone was listening to their conversation and was now making mental notes as they plotted their next move.

Harry and Ron agree to Hermione's plan of staying over at the Burrow for the holiday to plan their investigation. They also discuss how they should proceed when they have more information about the Drakes and Cepheus Black. The trio are completely unaware that someone is eavesdropping on them and making mental notes to update their plan accordingly.

Later that day, a figure was waiting in the astronomy tower looking at the stars when another shadowy figure approached. "Are you ever going to take things seriously? They have a lead now." The figure reveals to be Pisces looking irritated as he looks at the other figure which happened to be his younger brother Cygnus. Cygnus rolls his eyes when he hears his brother's remark, clearly not taking him seriously. He was focused on his own thoughts, trying to process the information he overheard.

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