2. Telling a Friend

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After a while, I couldn't stand having my secret bottled up inside me anymore. I was growing increasingly frightened and unhappy the longer I was keeping it locked away. So I told my friend, Caroline. We have grown up together since we were about six years old, and have always been there for each other no matter what. It was hard to tell her, I was scared and didn't know how she would react. I knew we were close friends, but what if my seizures put an end to that? What if she didn't want to be around me anymore after I told her? But I decided that I was still going to take the chance that we could still be friends no matter what or how I might have changed. Many tears came with it, but so much relief also came. My chest could finally breathe normally again, and my head was cleared of so many worried thoughts. She is one of my many Prayer Warriors. She always asks me how I'm feeling and has a smile and a kind word for everyone. She never gave up hope and helped keep that hope growing inside me.

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