chapter 1

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~3rd person pov~

In the dimly lit command center of the Nemesis, Soundwave stood vigilant, his towering frame casting a formidable shadow over the banks of monitors and consoles that surrounded him.

As Megatron's most trusted lieutenant, he meticulously monitored the ship's communications, his stoic demeanor and mask betraying no hint of emotion.

*Laserbeak, maintain surveillance,*

Soundwave's voice echoed through their mental bond, his directive clear and unwavering.

*Affirmative, Soundwave,* Laserbeak chirped in response, his sleek form perched on a nearby console, ready to carry out his master's orders.

As Soundwave left the communication deck, his steps echoing softly in the dimly lit corridors of the Nemesis, he sensed a presence behind him.

Starscream, the traitorous seeker, approached with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Soundwave, the silent sentinel of Megatron's domain. Tell me, Soundwave, does your silence mask your incompetence or your fear" Starscream's mocking voice echoed through the dimly lit passageways, taunting him with cruel words and jibes.

Soundwave's visor glowed with a subtle intensity as he accessed his audio clips, his voice echoing through the corridor with a cool, calculated tone.

"What do you want, Starscream?" The words reverberated with an underlying current of authority, a stark contrast to Starscream's smug demeanor.

Soundwave's gaze remained fixed on the seeker, his silence speaking volumes even as his audio clips conveyed his message loud and clear.

Starscream's smirk widened as he took a step closer to Soundwave, relishing in the opportunity to taunt his fellow Decepticon.

"Oh, just thought I'd check in on the silent sentinel himself. You know, making sure you're not rusting away in the shadows." Soundwave's expression remained impassive, his visor betraying no hint of emotion as he regarded Starscream with a calculated gaze.

"Soundwave is functional. Starscream's concern is unnecessary." Starscream chuckled mockingly, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Functional, huh? That's debatable. I mean, what good is a Decepticon who can't even speak for himself?" Soundwave's silence spoke volumes, a subtle reminder of his unwavering loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause.

Yet, beneath his stoic exterior, a flicker of annoyance simmered, masked by his composed demeanor.

Starscream's smirk widened, relishing in the subtle discomfort he was causing Soundwave.

"Ah, the strong, silent type, I see. But tell me, Soundwave, what's it like being Megatron's lapdog? Always obeying orders, never daring to speak out against your master?" Soundwave's optics narrowed slightly, a faint glimmer of defiance flashing behind his visor.

Despite his silence, Starscream's words struck a nerve, stirring a quiet resolve within Soundwave's spark.

"Soundwave serves Megatron with unwavering loyalty. Starscream's words hold no significance." Starscream chuckled, enjoying the tension he was creating.

"Of course, of course. But you have to admit, Soundwave, it must be frustrating to never have a voice of your own." Soundwave remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he resisted the urge to react to Starscream's provocations.

The Price of Silenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें