21: prince and princess

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ella, joe, katie and rose with suitcases in hands walked out the airport and where hit with the brisk bitter december air of new york. it wasn't there first time meeting their friend in the big apple but this time it almost felt more special like it was going to become a momentous occasion that they would all remember for the rest of their life.

suitcases rolled along the pavement as the four friends were hunting down the final piece of their friendship puzzle. when ella spotted her best friend she dropped her suitcase handle and sprinted over to amelia and engulfed her into a hug that almost knocked her friend over.

"mils!!" ella exclaimed after retracting from the hug, "omg i've missed you"

"ella i missed you too babes," amelia said grabbing her blonde friends face and pulling her in for another hug whilst the rest of their friends caught up.

theo who had been stood next to amelia watched the two girls and their interactions with a smile on his face. for all the years he had known amelia he had always been aware of how big her heart was and how when she loved she loved hard and true.

finally the last of their friends came over and they were all greeted with the same amount of enthusiasm and excitement by amelia. everybody said their hellos and then they made their was to the tube line all with  suitcase in hands and big smiles on their faces


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seen by : t.nott, malfoy02, pansypark, ellabella & others

replies (4)

theo's def crying abt him being
cut out 😂

the guy hasn't stopped chewing
my ear of abt it
hes pissing em off


how do you like this man


what ???
it's so obvious darling

noo shut uppp


cutting me off 🥲
leaving me on read 🥲
mils would never do this to me 🥲

yesss my man josephus is
back in townnnnn

blaise ur so zesty 😭

idk what taht means but im
taking it as a compliment
thank you


wait rose what does it mean ?
pls tell me
i'd like to know pls and thank you
rose re u dead ?
omds mattheos gonna kill me
rose re u alive ?
omg rose pls don't have died
rose ??

blaise ur so dramatic



after a while of being back at the house, everybody grew tired and retreated to their assigned bedrooms. one by one each friend went to bed due to the tiredness. until three were left, theo, enzo and amelia. they sat together in a comfortable silence for 10 minutes until enzo got up stretched his arms and announced he was going to bed.

"right i'm gone, theo any funny business with my cousin and i'll pound ur head okay?" he said

"yep of course enz i wouldn't do anything "funny"anyways," theo replied

"alright then nighty night don't let the bed bugs bite." he said closing the door leaving only theo and amelia in the dark room that's only light source was the flickering flame in the fireplace. each sat watching the flames for a few minutes until theo noticed amelia's shivering and he spoke up.

"hey mils come over here," she gave him a confused look "don't give me that look, i can see you shaking even under that blanket." she looked across to him and sent him a slight smile before climbing of her sofa and engulfing herself into theo's open arms. "mils do you remember when we were kids and we'd play prince and princess."

"yes,"she smiled thinking fondly of her memories. "your the only one who'd play with me even though enzo didn't let you play with me because i was a girl so he made the boys play quidditch whilst you looked after me. i'll never forget that theo. you were my first true friend and i'll forever be grateful for that no matter what happens to us."

"i'd give anything to go back to playing princesses with you mils,"

"im glad i would too."

they sat buried in each others warmth until theo heard a small snore come from amelia in his arms. to this he took her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom then placed her down on her bead which a kiss on her cheek.

a smile sat on his face as he made the short journey across the hall to his own room as he thought of the sleeping girl crossed his mind, and one thought made him smile more than any other , the thought was he was going to marry amelia berkshire one day and he'd made sure of it .

a lot of writing i'm sorry xxx

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