Powers or not?

10 0 2

1-10 for powers. (This is for any powers as in leafspeak, venom, flamesilk or any special ability. If you can multiple or have a hybrid you can choose one. If you have 0 abilites, its for animus)

1- Powers

2- No powers

3- Powers

4- no powers

5- no powers

6- Powers

7- no powers

8- no powers

9-no powers

10- Powers

I have a mainly ocean blue, with a pastel blue underbelly and rose pink patterns female Rainwing whose name is Iris. she is an assassin/outcast that is kind and selfless, but can really be bossy and rude on the outside when you first meet her. As a young child, she were raised in an orphanage, and knew nothing of her parents. But soon Iris got adopted, and her new 'parents' aren't what they seem. Later she escaped and became an assassin. She got in prison for this however, escaped again, and became an outcast.

She has 3 siblings, Anaconda, Posiondart, and Flora. Her mate is a Skywing named Sparrow, and they had no dragonets. after he found out she was an assassin and he thought she was too dangerous. Iris wears horn rings and a bracelet. She has no special powers.

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