Chapter 5 - Ethan

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Taylor's words stab me like a sword. I get up off the couch and move closer to Daniel, tears teasing me. Daniel takes me into his arms. I almost gasp. Usually he just tells me to get over it, or pats me on the shoulder, back, or head, and tells me it's okay! I'm a sensitive guy, so Daniel comforts me a lot.
I don't object when he hugs me. I kinda just hug him back, tears falling as Taylor tries to explain herself. I listen to her stutter and stumble over her words. She looks to her mom multiple times until she sighs. "Nevermind. It's better you stay out of it unless it comes to you.." She mumbles. "So.. It's probably best you go.." She says, pointing to the door. I start crying again. I thought I'd be able to trust her! Daniel takes my shoulder, and walks me out, saying something I couldn't hear over my crying to Taylor, causing her to start crying.

Daniel wraps his arm around my shoulder. "It'll be okay man.." He reassures me as we walk. Both of our cars are all the way at the school. It's almost eleven at night. My phone died an hour ago, and Daniels is pretty low too.
I look at him. "I'm no man.. I cry over the stupidest things, I-I don't play sports, I'm scrawny.. I'm no man.." I mumble. I guess all of the emotion from me almost getting my ass beat is finally hitting me.
Daniel stops us, and takes me by the shoulders. For a second I think, hope, that he's about to kiss me. But he doesn't. He just looks at me. "E. I've said this before. If you have a penis, you're a man. Just because you're not afraid to cry doesn't make you any less of a man than anyone else." He keeps talking, but I get lost in his eyes, his minty breath, his muscular grip, and everything else about him. I'm redder than a cherry right now, and I'm eternally grateful it's night. If I could be playing Hollywood Ending right now, it would be the best moment in my life right now.

Daniel finally let's go of me, as we continue to walk. It's a silent walk, and I want to grab his hand, but I don't. Instead I ask this. "Daniel.."
"Uh. What do you think of gay people..?"
Daniel is silent, before he mumbles. "Ethan.. I'm pansexual." He says. I stop, shocked that I might have a chance. "R-Really?! Uh- Do you have a crush?" I ask, intrigued. Daniel doesn't answer me that time, and my hopes only go up. "Daniel?"
Daniel is silent. For even longer. I don't push him. He'll come around.

After minutes of silence, he speaks again. "I.." He's silent again. I give up. It's my turn to reassure him. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Daniel.. It's okay."
He looks down at me. "I don't have one." He utters, before walking faster. I stop in my tracks. What?! I run to him. "Daniel!"
I ignore his anger. "Why were you so hesitant then?" I ask, smirking. Daniel turns around, and stops. I stop right in front of him. "Because I know you like me, Ethan."
I stiffen, going white. "Wh.."
"Ethan, I know you like me! But I just don't feel the same." Daniel explains. "I would love to just be friends. Nothing else." He says. But all of his words are muffling. He.. He doesn't- He doesn't.. He doesn't like me back..
My eyes threaten with tears, and I blink them back.
Daniel sighs. "Can we still be friends? Just, friends?"
I look around, not answering and avoiding eye contact.
"E? E, your friendship means the world to me, but I just don't feel the way you do."
I try to talk, but I can't, so I just nod. Daniel smiles. "So we're still best buds?" He asks. I nod again. Daniel grins, as we walk more. I try not to cry.

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