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"Let's go get Sese."  I said.

"I thought you let her go? But you act like you're the boyfriend," said Zhask

"Hehehe it's not bad to see the girl I admire, right?"

He snort. We left the hideout to go to Sese's classroom.

I spotted a familiar girl in the distance. Zhask and Kib also recognized her.  I'm not wrong, it was Irithel.  she was with four girls and three guys that i guess was gay.

"She acts innocent."  Comment by Kib.  His expression was unreadable but I was still amazed because rarely had emotions.

"Is it because of what you said? Maybe you just kidnapped the wrong person. That girl, beat you with your mens? Seriously?"

He told us what he and his men did to Irithel as well as how she shot them one by one.  But I can't believe it.  She looks so innocent for that.  Her small body, her laugh, her baby voice, and the way she acts right now.  She is no different from other teenagers.  I really can't imagine how she can do that.

"She is nothing but a burden."  Zhask said as if he knew the person we were talking about very well.

"It's up to you if you don't want to believe."



"Guys, I'm going to transfer school" I suddenly said to my friends.

"WHAT?!!"  they screamed almost at the same time

"I'm going to change schools."  I say it again

They just kept quiet and looked at me.

I smiled bitterly.  "I'm sure you can understand why, right?"

"You can't!!"  Mint suddenly shouted, we looked at her dumbfounded.  Her eyes moved from side to side.  she smiled shyly then ran away.

"Mint!"  We called her but she ignored us.

"Let's follow her."  I said and they agreed.  We stopped when we noticed the three men that I didn't want to see.  We will meet them in the hallway.  They are looking at us-or should i say to me.

"Oyy the three papas~" Kj excitedly whispered to us.  Adz elbowed him who was aware of my situation.  I turned around and walk hurriedly.

"Hey!!"  I ran after hearing Zhask's calling me.

"Iri, wait for us!!!"  My friends shouted that sas following me.  I just stopped running when I got far.  I gasped and held my knees. this body is really weak everytime..

"Thank god we're still alive!!"  Kj's breathless joke

"F*ck Iri, you don't need to run. No one is chasing you oyy."  Radson said

They have a complaint against me.  I don't understand their thinking. because for f*cking sake, they don't need to follow me.

After they complained, we go to HM's office because I was going to get something.

"How about Mint?"  Disa asked

"We will find her later, She must be in the music room."  My answer

While I was in the office and talking to the headmaster, I felt my phone vibrate, a sign that someone was calling, but I ignored it. i wasn't with my friend anymore because i made them leave first and they still had class.

After I left the office, i looked at my phone, i had been inside for almost 20 minutes but until now it was still vibrating.

It was an unknown number.


[Young miss Iri, this is Yura, your mommy and daddy had an accident.] The voice on the other line spoke in a panic.

I was stunned.  I immediately ran to the elevator and pressed the button to go down.

"W-where are they?"

[In Serion hospital]

I got in a taxi and went to the hospital Yura gave me.  When I entered the hospital, I immediately saw Manang Yura.  Nurses and doctors are panicking and Von Silva's bodyguards almost surrounds the entire hospital.

"Hija, come on."  Manang pulled me until we got to the emergency room.  I saw Zhask as well as the other two male leads and Seraphine.  Zhask was restless and his face was uneasy.

Manang told me the incident.  It is said that the couple was on their way to work when the car they were riding  lost its break and fell off the bridge.

I can't say anything about what I found out.  My throat feels blocked.  This is the first time I've ever worried like this.  My chest is heavy and I just want to grab it to get rid of it.  I don't understand, I'm too anxious.

The doctor came out and based on what looks he was giving us, i knew the answer.

"How are they?"  Zhask immediately asked the doctor.

"The damage they sustained was very bad--"

"Just f*cking answer me."  Zhask screamed at the doctor but tears escaped his eyes.  His three companions stopped him because he was almost about to rush the doctor.

"I'm sorry-"

I didn't wait  for the doctor to finish and I went inside the ER.  Then I saw my adopted parents lying on the bed lifeless.  I checked their pulse, hoping they were still alive.  The doctors inside just let me.

But they are gone.  I sat down weak, I couldn't believe it, like it's was all just a dream.

"W-where's clint?"  I asked Manang who was behind me and supporting me.  I remembered Clint, I didn't see him here.

"I'm sorry miss, but the butler is dead. He was with them when the car fell"

I was deafened by what I heard.

I stood up and faced her.  "You're lying where is he?!!"

She was surprised by my reaction.  They don't know that Clint is not just my butler.  He is my dad, I can't lose him.

She just stared so i didn't wait for her answer and ran out.  Now i knows why I feel so scared. not Clint pls!

I found in my own way where they took Clint.  And when I saw him, I think that was the first image I hated to see the most.  He was lying on the bed, a white cloth was covering him and when I removed the cloth, Clint's face was almost unrecognizable.  He was the one who got worse, there were still broken glasses on his face.  And his left hand is broken.

I took big steps out of the room and approached the police officers who were investigating.

"Who did this?!!"  I shouted angrily.  I know it wasn't an accident, those three are unlikely to have an accident.

"M-miss accident-"

"It wasn't!! Stupid! Who did this and I'm gonna break every single one of their bones!"

They seem horrified by what I said but I don't care anymore.  I felt someone hold my hand.

"Stop it!"  Zhask said.

I withdrew my hand.  "I will kill them!!"  I screamed.  I turned around and was ready to find the person who was responsible for this, but someone pulled me and hugged me.

"Calm down!"  It was Zhask.  I tried to get away from him.

"I will kill them!!"  I shouted again and again in anger.  My tears are falling because I feel so angry.  Damn it!  Why Clint?

My anger is killing me.  I want revenge.  I can't stand by, I want to kill whoever did this.

"We will but not now!"  -Zhask

After a while I gave up on the struggle and just let him hug me.  I cry on his chest.  I didn't expect this, I didn't expect to cry in someone's arms.

And most of all I never thought I would feel this pain.  This is probably my first time of losing someone special.  It's like I regret loving.  It's f*cking hurt!

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