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A few years have passed, I am now 17 years old here in Eri's body and a lot has happened. I met the other male leads as well as the Heroine.

There are three male leads, they are best friends. all of them are....jerks?  I can't find a right word to describe them.  They think highly of themselves, they act like they are the only people in the world, then the Heroine comes.  Her name is Seraphine, she is a transfer student.  She was the first girl who get the attention of three male leads.

And after a few months I think they are completely in love with her.  I sees them together almost every day.  No Villainess came out since I didn't want to stand up to my role, so their happy ending was easier.

Good for them!

"You look like a fool."  I said to Adz, my bestfriend who was reading in front of me.  We are in the cafeteria, since it's lunch time.  We were in the same class and she was my first friend here at the university.  I'm not good at socializing with people so it took me two months to find a best friend.

We became close because we were both wattpaders, when she found out I was also a wattpader, she approached me, she always told me stories and recommended the stories she had read, until we became close.  I started reading to get an idea of ​​how people think.  Before, I only knew how to kill.

Yeah, I know how to read their eyes but not their mind.

Adz looked up at me, her smile got bigger and eventually she screamed.  I just shook my head

I leaned my chin on my hand that was resting on the table then looked around.  Mint arrived just in time, also my bff.  She smiled when she saw us, she sped up walking closer but before she could get closer she bumped into someone, It was Seraphine.  I stood up and approached them.

Their collision was not strong and they only slightly backed away from each other.  Mint was too shy to apologize so she just bowed and continued walking towards us.  But Seraphine immediately grabbed her arm.

"You bumped me, are you not going to apologize?"

I finally got close to them, I held Mint's hand noticing that she was about to cry.  Because everyone is looking at them and she is not used to attention, that's the last thing she wants.

"I'm sorry for what happened miss, let's just get over it."  I said to Seraphine.  And removed her grip on Mint's arm.

"No, she hasn't apologized yet, what she did was wrong."

I scoffed in my mind.  Didn't she know that she wasn't looking too that's why they collided?  And isn't Mint's apologize-look enough for her?

I thought, girls hated her not only because of the male leads.

I noticed that Adz approached us.

"Miss, you also need to apologize right?"  I said

She frowned.  "Why do I have to apologize? You must not have seen this but it was her fault."  She pointed her finger at Mint.  And really shouted just for everyone to hear.

I sighed.  I was about to speak to end this but she speak again.

"Maybe she planned to hit me to hurt me that's why she doesn't want to apologize. She's a witch!"

My eyes darkened at what she said.  I took a cup of ice cream from the table next to me and poured it on her face.

She gasped and widened her eyes.  Everyone was shocked by what I did.  I just can't hold it when it comes to my close friends or family.  Mint and Adz hold my hands in disbelief.

And that's when the three male leads entered, who's looking at me badly.  The first to approach was Zhask who greeted me with a slap.  The two stood beside Seraphine and cleaned het face.  Seraphine was already crying

"How dare you to mess up with my girl." Zhask shouted.

Mint and Adz try to help me but the two male leads hold them.

I didn't resist when Zhask pushed me hard.  My back hit the chair and I groaned.

"Love, what is your least favorite ice cream favor?"  He asked Seraphine without taking his eyes off me.

"A-avocado?"  Seraphine confusedly answered.

"Give me that" Zhask said to the male store keeper.  The man immediately obeyed.  After he got it, he immediately gave it to Zhask.

Zhask smirk and poured the ice cream on my face.  My mouth shivered from its coldness, I opened my mouth to gasp for air.

I couldn't see my surroundings because of the ice cream but I knew Zhask knelt down in front of me.  He held my jaw tightly and raised it so that our faces were level.

"Everyone knows we don't miss anything when it comes to Seraphine, but you dare to harm her?! You're kissing your death."

I didn't answer.  I just let him hurt me because I know the trouble will only get worse if I fight back.  I just wish that after this they will forget about me.

Zhask stood up and left with Seraphine and the other two male leads.

My two friends immediately came to me.  Mint hugged me while crying and Adz wiped my face with anger on her face.

"Sorry...I'm sorry. It was my fault, I really messed it up."  Mint cried.

"If they weren't higher people, i would  punch them until their faces were broken."  Said by Adz.  She is a fighter but she knows she shouldn't hit those people.  The last person who fought against them has now ruined his life and his family. 

They're bastards

I'm also cruel then either but I don't kill for such reason. 



I hate to see the girl I love crying.  When we got to the classroom, we kicked everyone out, even the teacher.  We don't need bugs around.

"I-I just want them to apologize because they hit me but they're the one who got angry."  Seraphine said.

My face darkened even more.  There's so many bitches, almost all the girls except Seraphine, but I didn't expect anyone to try to approach her.

That bitch!  I will make her regret.  I remembered her face earlier, she didn't cry.  And I was irritated, as if what I had done was nothing to her.

"Hush now baby, Zhask already make that girl pay."  Sei said while rubbing her back.  I glared at him because of what he called to her.  I took Seraphine away from him and Kib.

Sei and Kib have been my friends since childhood, we agree on everything.  We just fought when Seraphine came because they liked her too but in the end they let go.  I hated them for loving Seraphine but I'm also thankful because they gave up for me.

When Seraphine settled in, I ordered Kib to do a background check on the girl who made Seraphine cry.  I'm not done with her.

"Woahh!! She is your sister-I mean stepsister."  Kib said in amazement.

My brow knitted because of what I found out.  I forgot that my parents adopted someone.  The girl I met on my 6th birthday.  That was the first and last time I saw her until earlier.

I scoffed.  That's why she has courage.

"She will be the next."  I said and they understood it.  I looked at Seraphine who was sleeping, I massaged her hair and kissed her.

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