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Beck, Sebastian, and Jade were sitting at a lunch table when Beck noticed Andre and Tori walking from the Grub Truck. 

"Hey," he calls, gaining their attention,"Come sit."

Jade groans,"Ugh. I don't want them sitting here." se mutters, causing Beck to give her a teasing grin 

“You sure you don’t want Tori sitting here?” Beck asked jokingly, causing her to glare at him as she had been doing for weeks now since Sebastian told Beck about he crush 

“Shut it,” Jade whispered harshly before Tori and Andre finally came over and took a seat

"You know, it's great that you're so open with your bitterness," Tori told her sarcastically, causing Jade to roll her eyes 

"She's just grouchy cause she got stung by a bee," Beck explains, taking a sip of Sebastian’s drink as he took a few of his fries

"See that?" Andre suddenly exclaims,"Everybody but me." He throws his hands up. "Come on, bees. What's a guy gotta do to get stung?"

Sharing a look with Beck, Sebastian chuckled shaking his head,”Dre, getting stung by a bee is not a good thing,”   

“Have you been stung?” Andre asked, then scoffed,”No wait, I remember you did get stung. Fifth grade during recess, it’s not fair,” he vented, earning both amused and confused looks from the others 

“Wait,” Tori spoke up, looking between the two confusingly,”You two went to school together in fifth grade?” she questioned

“Yeah, so what?” Jade asked, rolling her eyes at the girl

“How long have all of you guys known each other?” Tori asked them, and as she thought on it, it did seem like everyone in the group had been around each other for a long time

“Well, me and Seb have known each other since diapers,” Andre told her, a smile on his face as he looked to his best friend,”And then I met Jade through Seb in middle school-”

“Then we all met Robbie in sixth grade-” Jade jumped in, though she looked annoyed by the question

“I met Cat with Robbie at lunch, then we introduced her to Dre and Jade during gym, which we all had together-” Sebastian chimed in

“And in eighth grade I moved here and met Jade-” Beck also chimed in 

“Then she gladly introduced him to her brother who then introduced him to everyone else,” Jade told her, smiling at the two knowingly. She loved to say she was the reason they were together, claiming she ‘set the pathway to their greatness’. 

Letting it sink in, Tori gaped at them,”Wow,” she whispered, then turned to Andre and Sebastian,”Wait, if you and Seb have known each other since diapers, how did you not know Jade?” she asked, and the table got silent and tense

Down casting his eyes, Sebastian sighed silently as he felt Beck’s hand squeeze his own comfortingly 

“So why do you wanna be stung so badly?” Jade changed the subject, looking to Andre who quickly goes back to complaining 

“Because everyone else gets stung, what am I not good enough for these bee’s?” Andre dramatically questions, settling the tense atmosphere as they all began to chuckle at his ridiculousness,”How about you Beck? Have you been stung?”

“I have,” Beck replies easily, picking up his scrip pages and before Andre could go on another rant Tori gasped 

"Ooh, script pages!" Tori says excitedly as she grabs them only for Beck to immediately take them back

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