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"Betsy," Jade says in a thick southern accent, "that animal's delicious flesh can keep us all
alive for another week!" Starting the scene her and Cat were performing for the class

"I don 't wanna be alive without Poncy,” Cat declares in an equally thick accent. She gestures at the huge stuffed pig under her arm,"This pig is everything to me that my daddy never was and I'll be ding-danged-" She cuts off with a squeal of pain as a blue ball hits her in the face and knocks her to the ground

"Sikowitz!" Jade yells in disbelief while everybody else looks at their
teacher in shock and Sebastian immediately rushed to the redhead in concern, checking her for any type of injr

"What?" Sikowitz asks like nothing happened, choosing to ignore the looks given his way

"You hit me in the face with a ball," Cat tells him as Sebastian helps her stand and cups her face searching for any signs of bruises

“You're okay, kitty,” Sebastian tells her softly, kissing her cheek causing her to beam at him

“Yay!” She cheered, hugging him tightly

"Oh, come on!" Sikowitz groans, rolling his eyes,"A truly great actor can stay in the scene no matter what's happening around her,"

“Most actresses don't get hit in the face by their directors, Ko,” Sebastian mumbled, hibing the man a pointed look

"That really hurt !" Cat pouts, when suddenly the bell rings, "Ooh, lunch! Yay !" she cheers as she hurries to leave the room

Jade rolls her eyes as she goes to gather her stuff, while Sebastian joins Beck who has his bag and smiles at his boyfriend,”You don't have to hold my bag,” Sebastian muttered

“I know,” Beck answered casually, though he never let go of the bag a small smile on his lips

“You two are sickening,” Jade said, rolling her eyes but she held a fond expression as she walked passed them, Andre chuckling at her words as he caught up to them

"Learn your lines!" Sikowitz calls to his leaving students. "I want everyone off book tomorrow!"

"Hey, you wanna come to lunch with us?" Beck asks Tori as they head for the door

"Sure. Just let me-" She shrieks when the ball goes flying past her head and knocks a tray off the wall, causing them all to look at Sikowitz in confusion

"What was that for?" Tori asks incredulously, glancing at the others in help though she got none,"I’m not acting right now,”

"We need to chat, " he says simply.

"And 'Tori, can I see you?' wouldn't have worked?" Tori questions sarcastically, as Sebastian gives Sikowitz a raised brow to which the man avoided eye contact

“Koko,” Sebastian said sternly, causing all of them who heard the voice before to tense and Tori to looked confused

“Yes?” Sikowitz squeaks, keeping his gaze on the floor

“What have we talked about?” Sebastian questioned like a disappointed mother

“Speak with words not actions,” Sikowitz muttered, causing Sebastian to nod

“And what did you do?” Sebastian continued with the mother tone as he walked over to his teacher

“Use actions,” Sikowitz mumbled, still refusing to look at his favorite student

“Let me see the ball, Koko,” Sebastian spoke softly yet sternly, something they all considered a superpower. No matter what, Sebastian always kept such a soft tone.

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