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Jennie fled from Taehyung's office. Only when she reached the safety of her car did she realize she still clutched the jewelry box from Taehyung. She thrust it into her purse, refusing to think about the earrings.

All weekend long she waffled between her desire to call him and her even greater desire to simply keep her head down and pretend her love life hadn't morphed into a ticking time bomb. One that wasn't just about to blow up in her face. Sooner or later, bombs tended to go ka–boom. When this one blew, it just might take her career with it.

It was ironic. She'd grown up scoffing at her mother's mistakes, swearing that she'd never make the same ones. Her charming father had swooped into their lives periodically, full of grand gestures and promises he'd been unable or unwilling to keep. In his absence, money was tight and moods were grim. There was never enough of him to go around—not for his mistress and bastard daughters at any rate. She'd sworn she'd never let someone else control her life like that. Never put herself at the financial or emotional mercy of a man. And yet here she was.

Friday night, Taehyung had made it clear that he wanted to bring their relationship into the light of day. But she couldn't do that.

It was bad enough that her body seemed completely in his control. A single touch and she was gone. If other people found out about their affair, her job would be in jeopardy, too. First her body. Then her job.Thank goodness her heart was still untouched. But for how long? When he'd presented her with that jewelry box, she'd felt a spike of pure panic. For one interminable moment, she'd thought he'd been about to propose.

Of course, it hadn't been a ring. Merely a bauble meant to keep her distracted. Which should have been reassuring, but somehow wasn't.

Plenty of men bought expensive gifts because it was easier than opening up emotionally. Her father had been like that. Her half brother, Yoongi, was like that, too. He treated women like they were birds, distracting them with bright and shiny things. And it even worked with some women. Her sisters, for example, were content with new cars instead of a real relationship with their brother. But it had never sat well with her.

Was Taehyung the same? Were the expensive earrings merely a gift or were they meant to placate her?

By the time Monday morning rolled around, she was no closer to finding the answers her heart so desperately wanted. Trying to clear her own thoughts, she stopped by the break room to fuel up on caffeine before heading to her office.

She'd nearly left when she spied Lisa's familiar bob, not sure if she had the energy to endure her friend's perkiness. Unfortunately, Lisa spotted her before she could duck out.

Jennie flashed her friend an apologetic smile. "I've got to warn you—I'm not up for actual conversation just yet." "Rough weekend?"


Lisa held up a hand to stave off an explanation. "Don't worry. No need to tell me more. I know how hypersensitive you are about your privacy."

Hypersensitive? Was that really how people saw her? Even her friends?

Not that she necessarily wanted the answer to that question on a morning when she was already doubting herself.

So she forced some perkiness of her own. "I'll be back to myself as soon as I mainline some caffeine."

"Well," Lisa whispered conspiratorially, "if it's a pick–me–up you need, I've got something even better than espresso."

"I can hardly wait."

Lisa either completely missed Jennie's sarcasm or merely chose to ignore it.

"Early this morning, our fearless leader sent out an e–mail about a change in the company's interoffice dating policy."
Lisa leaned closer. "Can I assume this has to do with you?"

Confusion clutched her. "The interoffice dating policy? What could that possibly have to do with me? I mean—"She choked off the last of her words, all too aware that she sounded panicky and defensive. To hide her attack of nerves, she busied herself fixing her coffee. But no amount of coffee stirring could quiet her racing thoughts. Dear lord, had someone found out about her and Taehyung? Was it such common knowledge that Taehyung was sending out policy–changing e–mails?

Lisa blinked, clearly taken aback. "I just assumed that, as head of human resources, you convinced Mr. Kim that changing the strict no–employee–dating policy would make for happier employees." Speculation lit Lisa's eyes. "But if you didn't have anything to do with it, then maybe someone else did..."

Lisa let her words trail off suggestively.

Jennie felt her anxiety ratchet up another notch. Clutching her mug in both hands, she headed for the door, hoping to shorten the conversation. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, maybe he's got something else motivating his sudden change of heart. Or should I say, someone else." Lisa halted and placed a hand on Jennie's arm before looking pointedly over Jennie's shoulder to the bay of offices along the north wall. "Someone like Bae Irene."

"Bae Irene?" Jennie felt her emotions yo–yo from anxiety back to confusion.

"Sure. Didn't you notice how long they talked at the party the other night?"

In fact, Jennie had not noticed. It hadn't ever occurred to her that she'd need to keep tabs on who Taehyung was talking to. He hadn't struck her as the kind of man who'd cheat. Had she been wrong? Of course they weren't in a real relationship so perhaps he'd taken liberties with the freedom she'd given him."He doesn't seem the type," she muttered aloud.

"To sleep with an employee? I know. But rumor has it he's dipping his pen somewhere in the company well, and my money's on Irene. And I've certainly noticed how approachable he's been lately. Apparently they dated years ago when the company was just starting up. Besides, look at her. She's gorgeous."

Kim Taehyung was gorgeous, like Heidi Klum with a law degree. How had Jennie missed the easy camaraderie Irene and Taehyung shared? And, now that she thought about it, had she seen him laugh the other night at something Irene had said? He certainly never laughed with her.

To make matters worse, Irene had been at the company forever and was universally loved. Even Jennie couldn't come up with anything bad to say about her. And just now, she was really searching for reasons to hate her. Logical reasons, that was.

Lisa leaned closer. "I bet he's bringing her to the big Foundation for Life fundraiser this weekend. Wouldn't she make the perfect Mrs. Kim?"

"Yes. She would."

Inexplicably, Jennie found herself swallowing back tears. She mumbled something about a teleconference and fled to the safety of her office.Frankly, she didn't know what was worse: finding out everyone in the office was gossiping about Taehyung and some mystery woman. Or finding out the mystery woman wasn't her.

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