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Third Person's POV

As the clock struck six, Atharva stirred from his sleep, his senses gradually emerging from the depths of slumber. His eyes fluttered open, and he was greeted by untouched blinds and a closed door. Yet, much to his astonishment, the bed lay empty, devoid of any presence.

He rose promptly, scanning the room with a sense of urgency. The atmosphere hung eerily quiet, even the washroom was empty.

There was no sign of Anisha or Maisha.

Midway through freshening up, Atharva attempted to call Anisha, only to realize the phone was lying in the room itself.

Exiting, he encountered a house help, tidying the corridor. She opened her mouth to greet him, but Atharva, his face etched with anxiety, beat her to the question, "Have you seen Anisha?"

The house help, meeting his gaze, shook her head, noticing the worry evident on her employer's face.

Descending the stairs hastily, Atharva encountered Nina. He repeated his question to her, but received the same reply. Irritated, he rubbed his face and instructed her to inquire among the other house helpers about Anisha's whereabouts.

Nina returned promptly, discovering Atharva looking around the garden.  She said softly, "Sir, all of them came from the servant quarters a while ago only, and since their arrival, none of them have seen her."

"What the hell?" Atharva seethed, a cocktail of anger, concern, worry, and anxiety coursing through him. "Where is my wife?"

A feeling of fear lingered within him.

He had already lost Anisha once, to the point of never having her back—an absence etched into his soul.

Now that she had seamlessly woven into his life, it felt like a dream to him. Yet, within that dream, a constant apprehension gnawed at him—a fear that he would open his eyes one day to find her gone, leaving behind haunting solitude and darkness.

Today, not finding her when he opened his eyes, intensified his terror.

A thought suddenly struck him, propelling him to run towards the main gates of his mansion. As he was about to approach the watchman sitting in the shade nearby, the gates began to swing open.

Anisha, accompanied by Maisha holding her hands, entered alongside his Dadi and her caretaker.

Looking at them, he heaved a sigh of relief. Just then, Maisha ran towards him, squealing, "Papa." He reached down, lifting her into his arms, hugging her tightly, and peppering her small face with kisses.

Anisha had approached him by then. Still holding Maisha, he asked her with a slightly cold tone, "Where had you gone?"

"We went for a walk," she answered.

His inquiry persisted, still cold, "And you didn't bother to inform me?"

"You were sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you up!" she replied.

"Yet..." he began, interrupted by his Dadi, "Atharva, why are you troubling her early in the morning? She went out and is now back. Stop with your questions."

Addressing Anisha, she said, "Beta, I am going in," as she moved inside with her caretaker.

Anisha too began to walk inside, with Atharva by her side.

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