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Hello everyone!

We have crossed 10k reads, and I am very grateful for that. Thank you to all of you, who gave this book a chance. I hope you continue to read Whispers of Fate till the end.

Also, I humbly request you to comment on the chapters. So many of you read the chapter, but in the end, there are barely ten comments. A lot of effort is being put in every chapter, all I ask is for you people to tell how you feel about the chapter and the book. I really need to know if you people are liking the plot, the pacing, the characters, the book, or not. Also, your comments really provide me with much needed motivation to write the next chapter.

Third Person's POV

The room was bathed in a gentle, golden glow as sunbeams filtered through the curtains, casting a warm and inviting atmosphere. Anisha's eyelids fluttered open, greeted by the soft morning light. With a lazy yawn, she stretched her arms.

As she surveyed the room, her eyes landed on the vacant couch. The neatly folded blanket there confirmed that Atharva had been up for a while.

She rose from the bed, her tousled hair framing her face in a disheveled elegance. With soft steps, she traversed the room, and made her way to the washroom.

After brushing her teeth and freshening up, Anisha emerged from the washroom to find Atharva lying at the spot she had just vacated, gently stroking Maisha's hair.

Atharva's gaze shifted to Anisha as he sat up, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Good morning," he whispered softly. Anisha returned the greeting with a small smile of her own, replying, "Morning."

"Did you sleep well?" Atharva inquired, his tone filled with genuine concern.

Seated on the couch, Anisha arched an eyebrow in response. "Are you planning to ask me that every day?" she asked lightly, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"I want to be assured that you're comfortable here," Atharva whispered softly, his words so hushed that they might have gone unnoticed by Anisha, had there been even the faintest noise in the room.

In that moment, Maisha stirred, rubbing her eyes, clearly reluctant to leave the embrace of sleep. However, upon spotting Atharva beside her, all traces of drowsiness evaporated. "Papa!" she exclaimed joyfully, leaping into his arms.

Atharva caught her gently and grinned, "Good morning, princess."

"Good morning, papa!" Maisha exclaimed excitedly. Then, with a burst of enthusiasm, she began recounting her dream. "Papa, you know, I saw a dream. There were two dinosaurs..."

Anisha observed, that she was being sidelined as Maisha focused solely on Atharva.

Atharva, on the other hand, listened attentively, a small smile playing on his lips as his hand caressed Maisha's head who was sitting on his lap, lost in her vivid narration.

As Maisha concluded her story, Anisha finally interjected, "Good morning, Maisha!"

"Good morning," the four-year-old replied almost mechanically, still engrossed in playing with Atharva's hands, seemingly oblivious to her mother's presence.

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