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Arman entered the cafeteria and sat his usual seat but this time alone,he didn’t touch his lunch box,he stared outside and when the bell rang he sighs and puts the lunch box back in the bag and walks out.

After the college,Mayan ran toward him and side hugged him and ruffled his hair.Arman felt strange and looked at Mayan.

Mayan-Arman, do you know today I enjoyed it a lot.

Arman froze in his place. Mayan only called him by his name whenever he was serious or mad but right now he is not looking mad or angry then why is he calling him by name?Mayan tell him everything about his day but he didn’t hear anything,and then their driver come and Mayan sat inside the car and call Arman multiple times.

Mayan-Arman where were you lost,come on we are getting late.

Arman gulped and sat beside him and shut the door and looked at Mayan.

Arman-Why do you call me by my name?

Mayan-Because we are twins na and I don’t like to be baby by you,I mean you don’t have to baby me at all it’s embarrassing.

Arman hmm in response and hugged Mayan and put head on his chest like babies,Mayan became shocked and stroked his hair and patted his back.

Mayan-Are you ok?


Mayan(chuckled)-Then why are you behaving like babies?

Arman-Because sometimes it's ok to be a baby in front of your loved ones.

Mayan felt like his breath stuck he felt pain in chest,Arman is right there is nothing wrong to be being baby in front of your loved ones then why he is feeling embarrassed suddenly he gulp and kissed Arman’s head who snuggle more.The car stop in front of house and Arman rushed to his room,Manik sitting on the couch and try to call Arman but Arman run from there,he frown and look at Mayan who looking confused too just like him.

Manik-What happened to him?

Mayan-I don’t know,anyway I am hungry. Where is Nandu Aunty?

Nandini-Tantraaaaaa….. your Aunty is here and freshen up then I will serve your fav lunch.

Mayan smiled and ran from there,Nandini looked at Manik who was spacing out.

Nandini-Chill dude he is fine, give him some space and let him handle things by himself.

Manik-Hmm you are right they need to grow up.

He said and sighed heavily.Mayan entered the room and saw Arman taking a shower . He threw the bag on the table and sat on the bed,after some time Arman came outside and smiled at Mayan.

Mayan-Are you mad?

Arman(thought)-No but sad

Mayan-I am talking to you

Arman-Why am I mad at you?I am just tired,I want to sleep,if Dad asks about me then tell him I am fine, I just need to sleep.

He said and lay on the bed and covered himself with a blanket,Mayan looked at Arman with a huge open mouth and then stepped out from the room angrily.


Manik-Hmm why are you shouting you brat?

Mayan-Dad I want my separate room

Manik(shocked)-What but why?Did you both fight?

Mayan-No it’s not like that,I just want my separate room. We are not kids now. I want some privacy too.

Nandini-Mayan you b..

Mayan-Please please

Manik-But what about Arman is he ok?

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