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Hi guys I hope you're doing fine! I'm personally great. It's has been a long time since the last time I filmed a video and I'm so sorryyy it's just that with my exams, school and all I was a bit overwhelmed and I didn't have time so that's why I asked you on instagram to ask me questions to do a little Q&A video.

I hope you would like it so let's start

First question. Where are you living?
I'm currently living in New York City for my studies but I'm from London in England. So I moved here I think two years ago and even if sometime I feel lonely it has been one of my best decisions I've ever taken.

Second question:Are you living alone ?
Well I live alone in my appartement but my best friend also lived here like maybe 30 minutes away so we see each other very often and I think that without her here with me I would already be back in London for a while now hahaha

Third question: I have seen that you have bad anxiety is that true ??
Mhmh yes it's very very true haha. I have very bad anxiety especially social anxiety so places to crowded with like no security and everyone is wild is a big ENORMOUS no for me.  I feel like so overwhelmed and can't breath it these moments so I tried to avoid them as much as possible. But of course with time I have some "tecnics" to calm me down a bit.

Fourth question: Now that you've finished your exams and are on holiday what are you going to do for these two months ?
Ohhhh guysss I'm so so so happy because this year I'm going on vacation in an other country with some people. I'm like so so excited you can't even imagine. I'm leaving in 4 days to go to ..... CORSICA I've never been there but it seems so beautiful. With the people that I'm going we have rent a gorgeous house there for a month.

Fifth and last question and it's the most asked one: are you in a relationship?!?
I don't know why people are so curious about that and why are so many people asking but anyway yes I'm in a relationship with a incredible guy that I love we have been together for almost a year and I'm like really really in love with him. He is like my perfect boyfriend.
For now I prefer to stay in the private so no face or anything reveal.

It's already the end of this video. I hope you liked it. I will try to do more video but I don't think I will be posting anything while I'm on vacation.
So love you all enjoy your life. Kiss kiss


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