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Joe was out with his girlfriend which basically leaves me alone with Timothy for a solid two hours.

Which translates to.. bed time. 

But without the sleep.

T lay in my arms after a particularly satisfying session.

He stroked my cheek and traced my lips.

The way he looks at me is just dazzling. He looks so content and loving.

I ran my hands through his hair and he smiled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I love your dimples." T murmured, poking my cheek.

"I don't have dimples." I scoffed even though I knew he was right. I just hated them.

"Yeah, you do!" T laughed. "You just don't smile enough to see them."

I flashed a big dramatic smile.

T started to laugh. "There they are."

I stroked his hair. "We should go on a date again soon."

"Well, there is the winter formal next week." T wriggled his eyebrows.

"You know I can't." I sighed.

"I know, I'm just playing. I can't that day anyway." T shrugged.

DON'T fucking tell me he's going with Blade.

"Why not?" I almost growled.

"Cause I'm gonna be behind the scenes. Allie's in the party committee and asked me to help out. I'll probably be serving drinks all night." T chuckled.

"Seriously? That sucks. You should get to enjoy your formal."

"I'll enjoy watching your dance moves." T nodded.

"I'm so not going. Who would I even go with?"

"Oh come on! I need my eye-candy."

"I'll think about it."

"Okay." T leaned in and kissed me softly.

My hand traced his bare back and inevitably made it's way down.

Timothy sighed and laid his head on my chest. "She wants me to sing too." He mused.

"Really?" I grinned.

"Yeah. I'm gonna say no though. I can't sing in front of everyone and I'm definitely not good enough. There's gonna be a real band, what would she even need me for?"

"Why don't you sing something for me right now?" I asked.

I couldn't imagine him being a bad singer. His voice was perfectly clear, the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard. And of course I'd heard him sing countless times in the car on our way to school but I wanted to hear what he sounded like when he was serious.

"Like what?" T chuckled.

"A love song." I smiled.

"Mm..." T thought for a moment before starting to sing. "I hope that you see right through my walls.. I hope that you catch me, cause I'm already falling.."

It was like a lullaby. His voice relaxed me and made me feel all warm inside. Sure, he wasn't Beyoncé but what he brought was something deeper.

T leaned up and looked into my eyes. "You put your arms around me and I'm home." He kissed my nose. He was blushing and smiling.

And I was so in love with him it was actually ridiculous.

"You have to sing that. What are you talking about 'you're not good enough'? I'd rather hear you on the radio than any of those other idiots."

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now