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Before I even had the chance to shove Timothy aside, my coach pulled me away.

"Josh! What are you doing?!" Coach Falcon screamed into my ear as he hauled me backwards.

T kneeled next to his boyfriend who was acting all hurt all of a sudden. T stroked his cheek and repeatedly asked if he was fine. It made me so goddamn angry I tried to break out of coach's hold just so that I could beat Charlie up some more. I couldn't control anything.

"Think of the season, Josh!" Coach Falcon said to me. "Calm down!"

I tried to but just looking at Timothy in Charlie's deceitful arms made me feel crazy!

"Don't look at them, look at me!" Coach ordered. "Hey!" He spun me around and squeezed my face so I'd look at him. "Calm down.." He sighed.

I took a few deep breaths and focused on Coach's serious eyes rather than the ruckus going on behind me, the image of Charlie's lies.

"Are you calm?" Coach asked.

I took another couple breaths.

"Yes." I finally said.

"What the hell, man? You know what happens to the team if you get suspended?"

"I know! Just-" I pointed at Charlie.

"Doesn't matter! You have to learn to control yourself! You could get suspended over this. Hell, you could get expelled! And then where would we be?!"

"I'm trying, okay!" I screamed. God, Coach Falcon was only making it worse!

"Josh?" Principal Saxton tapped my shoulder.

Not this again.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed of defeat and followed him inside.

So I got suspended. They didn't expel me, thank God. Just a three day suspension and some detention. They also called my dad and made me go to these anger management classes. Again.

They never worked before so why would they now?

Anyway, I was staying at Dave's house. His parents were away so I'd just be spending my three days with him until they got back. My dad had called me seven times already but I was just not prepared to hear his drunk screaming so video games and booze it is.

Dave and I were busy shooting shit and beating people up when he suddenly said:

"So Jen asked me out today."

I frowned. "When?"

"During lunch. You weren't there." There was an accusation is his voice.

What a backstabbing-

"I think I'm going to say yes. She wants to go to the movies." Dave shrugged.

I shot three extra demons.

"You don't mind, do ya?" He said.

"Whatever. I don't care." The sad thing was that that wasn't even a lie- something that bothered me more than it should.

After the game was over I went back to the guest room and lay on the bed. What had I done? I knew it hadn't been my fault in the slightest and Charlie totally had it coming but.. I was suspended and worse than that, Timothy probably hated me now.

Wow. You really have to be a raging asshole to get someone as agreeable as Timothy to hate you.

I was a raging asshole. I almost hurt T today and that was something I had no excuse for. If anything, he was the person I wanted to protect, not hurt.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now