chapter 9

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Taehyung reached the kindergarten school to take back his baby and met an adorable sight: his baby was playing on swings with Jungkook. Both of them looked like adorable babies.

Taehyung smiled at them from afar but halted his steps when he remembered all the embarrassing moments of the morning. Juni was on a mission this morning. He slowly made his way towards the playing duo who were in their own bubble.

Things were really awkward for him and Jungkook. He saw Jungkook jumping and giggling like the bunny he is, with his son. His heart warmed at the sight. Everything was perfect – him coming to take his babies home. It was just perfect. "Kim, come out of your imagination," Taehyung facepalmed himself and took deep breaths before approaching the duo.

"Ahem," Taehyung cleared his throat.

"Hey, champ," he said, smiling widely. Listening to it, both of them looked at the owner of the voice.

"DADA!" Juni shouted excitedly and ran to his dada. Taehyung hugged him instantly and took him in his arms, showering him with kisses on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Jeon," Taehyung smiled awkwardly.

"Hello, Mr. Kim," Jungkook replied, glancing at the other for a couple of seconds before breaking eye contact.

"Dada," Juni called his dad, and both Jungkook and Taehyung panicked. They knew how demanding their little baby could be.

"Y-yes, my baby," Taehyung said, apprehensively.

"Mumma Huggie?" Both Jungkook's and Taehyung's heartbeats raced. Blood rushed to the younger, painting him scarlet. He started looking anywhere but Taehyung, and the same with Taehyung, his cheeks decorated with pink.

"Dada, Huggie mumma," this time Juni ordered his dada angrily.

Taehyung went near Jungkook; the younger panicked. Taehyung extended his one arm towards the younger and slightly side-hugged him, not even an inch of skin touching, yet it felt like their hearts would leap out of their chests any time. Juni was content; it was what he always wanted – to have both mumma and dada together forever with him. He clapped and giggled.

"Yeah, Dada lobs mumma," he giggled again.

"Dada ish the besht."

Both of them were flustered. Taehyung retracted his arm hastily.

And now it was the most difficult time – parting Juni from Jungkook. Taehyung was well aware that Jungkook had his personal life and couldn't dedicate all of his time to Juni, no matter how much he loved Juni. He had been stressing since morning about how to take Juni home today. Yesterday, Jungkook came to them, but it didn't mean he would always remain at Kim's.

"Juni, baby, let's go home," Taehyung said, internally panicking.

"Otay," Juni said, showing his warm smile.

"Goodbye, Mr. Jeon," Taehyung bid farewell to Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded, giving a small smile, knowing it was time to say goodbye to his buttercup and his cold, calm, yet sweet gentleman dad.

Jungkook wanted to kiss his baby badly and hug him before sending him home, but he knew if he did, then Juni would not let him go .

When Taehyung started walking, Juni frowned, looking at his mumma, who was just looking at his way lovingly.

"Dada, mumma," Juni said. Taehyung shut his eyes; he knew very well what was coming. Of course, it was not a cakewalk to separate Jungkook and Juni.

Jungkook felt horrible. This child was calling for him and yearning for him, but he couldn't do anything; he had no rights over Juni.

"Baby, mumma has some work. You'll meet mumma tomorrow at school, right?" Taehyung said sweetly, hoping and praying his son wouldn't cry.

Juni's eyes prickled with tears; he started hyperventilating and throwing his legs, telling his dada to put him down. Taehyung had to comply as Juni was on the verge of falling.

Juni ran to Jungkook and launched himself at the leg of his mumma.

Jungkook shut his eyes, overwhelmed by the whole situation. He knew he couldn't do this with his baby; he couldn't.

"Mumma," Juni called, tears leaving his eyes silently.

Jungkook promptly took him in his arms.

"My baby, why do you cry? If you cry, mumma will cry," Jungkook said, himself on the verge of tears. How lucky and unlucky he was at this moment. He had a child in his arms, but he had no rights over him.

"Mumma is not worth it, baby. Please don't cry for mumma," Jungkook said just above his whisper, kissing the forehead of his buttercup while his eyes shed a few tears.

"Mumma, le  go home," Juni said with his wobbly lips.

"Juni, baby~" Taehyung said but was cut off by Jungkook's voice.

"Let's go," Jungkook said and kissed his cheeks.

"Mr. Jeon, you don't have to burden yourself with us," Taehyung said desperately.

"Juni is not a burden, Mr. Kim," Jungkook said abruptly, not liking how Taehyung had referred to him.

"I don't like it, so please refrain from addressing him that," Jungkook completed his sentence, not even repeating the word 'burden'.

Taehyung had no idea how or what to feel.

"Mumma, hungwy," Juni pouted, looking at his mumma.

Jungkook chuckled, "So, what will my baby highness like to eat? Mumma will cook whatever my baby wants," he said, nuzzling Juni's cheeks, who was enjoying the affection to the fullest.

"Really?" Juni exclaimed.

"Yes, buttercup."
Juni thought for a second.

"Choco donut," he exclaimed, getting all excited.

"Okay, whatever my baby demands, will my baby help me bake?"

"Yesh, Juni help mumma, I am a big boy," Juni said, showing his non-existent muscles.

"Okay, my big boy, let's go home," Jungkook said, walking towards the car of the father of his baby.

And Taehyung, he was rooted there.

"How do these two ghost me completely?"

"MR. KIM, MY BABY IS HUNGRY, IF YOU ARE DONE DAYDREAMING, WE CAN GO HOME." Taehyung heard the younger shouting, waiting near the car.

He looked at him in bewilderment. He had HIS son in his arms, waiting to sit in HIS car and bossing HIM around after ghosting HIM completely.

"MR. KIM, I AM TIRED OF STANDING," Jungkook shouted again

" Is it me or he is becoming sassy with every passing second " he said to himself and ran towards the car .

He opened the door for jungkook and then sat on his side.

" Gentleman ", jungkook thought in in his mind.

Not proofread.

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