CHAPTER 0 ◇ A simple mission

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Outskirts of Tokyo
Black van
Abandoned shopping center

Acting persons:
Suguru Geto (Jujuzist 3rd rank 1st year)
Satoru Gojo (Jujuzist 3rd rank 1st year)
Shoko Ieiri (Jujuzist 3rd rank 1st year)
Ichiro Masahiro (supervisor and driver, jujuzist)

October 20, 20XX, late afternoon

Autumn had already colored the leaves of the sparsely planted trees and a cold wind was blowing through the streets. He already reported on the coming winter. Passers-by were now more in a hurry to go about their business than they had been a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, the sun had managed to triumph over the now cloudy weather that day. October was at its best. A black car rolled through the outskirts of Tokyo. There were four people wearing dark clothing sitting inside the van. The driver, a beefy man in a black suit, was explaining the destination of their journey to the three teenagers in the back seat.

"Blah, blah, blah...exorcise the curses on the spot. Blah, blah, blah...Boring! Everything will happen as usual anyway. We go in, cast out the curses, go out. Game over! So save your breath." A teenage boy spoke. He had white hair and wore sunglasses that covered his big, bright blue eyes. He stretched and yawned ostentatiously. He wore a jacket with a gold button was closed and slim-cut trousers. His feet were in light-colored sneakers. "Shut up Saturo! It is important to listen carefully to the order situation before each new mission so that there are no unpleasant surprises later," warns him a second young man, who is probably around the same age as the Saturo in question. However, unlike the first young man, he had black hair, which he wore tied in a bun at the back of his neck. Only a single strand hung on one side of his narrow, dark brown eyes. His clothes are also dark, but his pants are cut wider and are reminiscent of yoga pants. The third in the group was a young woman. She had shoulder-length brown hair and was also dressed in a similar jacket to her companions, but was not wearing trousers but a short skirt. She stared intently out the window, trying to ignore the two of them arguing while her hands nervously played with a pack of cigarettes. "I can deal with these little problems when they actually arise," Satoru says arrogantly, "Man, that's a perfectly normal assignment. We're supposed to cast some low-level curses in a mall. Unfortunately, nothing special will happen because we are only third-rank jujuzists." "Now don't always act so arrogant Satoru. Our work is very important. We protect the civilian population from dangerous curses. "That's why we should do our work with the necessary seriousness," the black-haired man admonishes him. Satoru grins. "And you Suguru finally have to pull out this huge stick that's been stuck in your ass for so long." "Survival of the weaker..." "And that old story again. Man Suguru, do you have an off button somewhere?". Before the two could deepen their argument, the car stopped in front of an old, dilapidated building. "We are the people here," announced the driver and got out. The man rushed around the car and opened the door for the young woman. She got out, immediately fished a cigarette out of the pack and lit it. She made her first move with relish. The driver looked at her indignantly. "At your age you really shouldn't be smoking Miss Shoko!". But she just patted him encouragingly on the upper arm, let the glow stick move from one corner of his mouth to the other and walked past him onto the sidewalk. Once there, she tilted her head back and looked at the dilapidated facade of the former temple of consumerism. Once upon a time, a good ten years ago, life used to flourish here. But now the residential buildings had given way to factory premises and at some point the shopping center had to close. And all employees had to look for new work. Since then, the building has stood empty, waiting to be razed. But no one had wanted to spend money on it so far. The building fell into disrepair and now offered a place of refuge for those who were shunned by society. Graffiti artists of all talent levels had used the house wall as a canvas, posters from long-forgotten events fluttered loosely in the wind and a wild pattern of stickers completed the overall picture. The perfect place where curses would settle. "So Masahiro, what's the problem? "You were just reporting before the idiot duo interrupted you," Shoko asked her supervisor. Said duo tried to get out of the car at the same time. "Well, we've recently received more and more reports that young people have disappeared here," he scratched his head in embarrassment, "The usual. Basically like young Mr. Satoru Gojo said. Here is a floor plan of the building. There must be a curse nest somewhere. Your task will be to locate the nest, eliminate it and exorcise any curses that reside outside the nest.".

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