The Bass

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Blake and I are now at the thrift shop, usually a part of my routine but now with a new alternative plan. 

"Okay, she's over there, now, you just have to say something nice and ask her out," I say

"Okay, okay, I don't need coaching," she says

"Just go," I say

I watch her as she talks to the girl, I watch her looking at the girl and I feel weird, and sad, ever since my break up seeing couples (and apparently now non-couples) has made me feel a little off... 

I get a text from Anna "heyy wanna grab bubble tea?"

"Yh sure" I text back

"Xxx" she texts, I put my phone away and look up

Blake is carrying a bass

"What on Earth is that," I say

"She gave me the bass," she says

"We'ren't you trying to ask her out?" I ask

"The bass is way better," she says "We should probably leave before she changes her mind," 

We walk out and our bus passes us, so we run to the stop, she runs faster than me so I grab her hand to catch up, and we get inside just before the door closes. 

"Do you even know how to play bass?" I ask

"Yeah, but I'll have to keep it at your house, my dad can't see this," she says

"I can't believe you'd rather get the guitar instead of a date, you are such a loser Blake,"

The bus leaves, I check my phone

"see you in half an hour?" Anna texts me

I start to text her "Sorry but can we actually hangout tomorrow? I'm with" I hesitate

Then I don't hesitate "Im with Blake," I write 

"who's Blake?" She texts back 

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