Loud, Smug and Messy Blake

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Finally back to my safe haven, my room, there's truly no place like it, I should probably stay here more often since everyone decided to backstab me.

Can you believe she's still trying to apologise?

There's a loud sound coming from the door next door, I'm used to it by now, I won't let it affect me.

One day Harper says she's my best friend and the next she's eating my boyfriend's face off with no remorse yet she still believes I owe her my forgiveness, what kind of little bitch even does that?

The music gets louder.

I can forgive Anna for passing on the message, Harper can be a pain in the ass...I know that and I know they still hang out behind my back, but now I just feel like she's taking her side and..

I put my pen down because the music has gotten me riled up

I walk out of the house, through the corridor with the wide-eyed elderly neighbours and I bang on the door. 

"Blake!" I shout

"That girl has gotten out of hands," One of the neighbours says arms crossed

I don't think she can hear me, I hit the door again and it opens, I go in

Blake is moving around oblivious in p.e. shorts and fuzzy socks 

"Wow, Viviane, you know trespassing is a crime right?" 

"You know your music is too loud, why must you do this?" I shout through the music

She puts the volume down "Sorry, I didn't catch that," 

She puts on a smug face, she's always had this smug face.

"If you keep annoying me with your stupid music..." I stumble trying to find what I will say next 

"I will have to take matters into my own hands," I say, crossing my arms 

"Like what?" she arches an eyebrow

"I'll talk to the president of the building," I say

"Scary," she laughs off but I keep my composure

"Okay, okay," She waves her hands around "My bad Viv, I thought no one was around," 

"Where is your dad anyways?" I ask

"Out working," 

"And he trusts you to be alone?" I chuckle "I'm surprised you haven't burnt the whole building down,"

"Oh shut up," She says  "What are you doing still in my house? Get out, get out,"

"You don't have to tell me twice, it's a mess in here," I say "And I was already leaving,"  

With a good sigh, I drop down to my bed and in seconds the music starts to play again, this time I just suffocate myself inside my pillows and let out a good old scream. 

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