Chapter 13

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Few Minutes before

"She will arrive in a minute" Ashok informed Arjun.He got an information from Ashok about department feast and Anjali also coming.He thought of seeing her so went to the hotel and booked a room followed by Ashok.

Ashok prepared a monitor.The moment Anjali entered the hotel.Arjun looked at her with admiration "Why is she looking so beautiful?All the boys are looking at her.I want to poke their eyes.

"The ice king is jealous for the girl who didn't even know he even exist" Ashok thought."Is that girl the one who fought with Anjali in university canteen.Why is she taking her to the elevator?Why Anjali looks sick?" Ashok asked.Suddenly Arjun stand "I will go out to look for her.Inform me every move of her" and left the room hurriedly.

On the other sidePadma guided Anjali to the fifth floor."Is this the way?It seems we are walking for a too long?" Anjali asked Padma.She replied "You are sick so I take you to the room to rest" and then Anjali fainted.

"Oh god is Anjali Drugged?" Ashok shouted in shock which was heard by Arjun through the bluetooth.Arjun ran to that room.Inside the room Padma put Anjali on the bed and smirked suddenly her vision got blurred and fell next to Padma.

Anjali opened her eyes and quickly get up from bed.The door burst open and Arjun ran to her.He sighed in relief by looking at her safe.Anjali looked at the man who looked very handsome.She mentally slapped herself for looking at him without blinking her eyes "If you took another step I will punch you "

Arjun looking at her amused "Do you think your weak punch will hurt me?" and pulled her towards him.This made her fall hard on his chest.She panicked and started to punch him.Arjun grabbed her hand "You worried me to death.Iam sorry to scare you.I really came here to help you.

When he finished saying the bathroom door opened and revealed a middle aged man singing a song and seeing Arjun and Anjali "You two young people what are you doing here?Get a room for yourself." Shouted.

"Let's leave" Arjun grabbed Anjali and moved outside.Arjun blood boiled with the thought of middle aged man was here to hurt Anjali.He took her to some other and told her to fresh up.Anjali looked at him suspicious "Trust me I will not harm you" Arjun told her.Anjali smiled at him which felt Arjun heart filled with warmth that she trusted him.He ordered the staff to give her hot chocolate and cookies.Anjali said "Thank you " and drank it.

Arjun whispered to the staff to call the police and Ashok to make sure this news released in all newspapers and social media and her family to meet their end."I will never forget what you did today.How dare you try to harm Anjali" Arjun face darkened with the thought of Anjali getting hurt.

"Why did you helped me?" Anjali asked by gathering the courage."Iam the owner of this hotel.My staff informed me that they saw a steudent fell unconscious.As far as I know we didn't provide any alcohol in the department feast so I followed you" Arjun replied to her.

"I think I have to go to see more drama" Anjali stood to leave.But Arjun grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards to him "Do you want me to go with you?"

Anjali's heartbeat raised this is the first time she got a feeling by closing to opposite gender in both lives.She shook her head "No I should deal it with myself."

End of Flashback

"Shelly you said you will help me.But why Iam behind the station from 1 week"Padma cried at Shelly."It is all your fault.Why are you in her place?" Shelly asked her."I don't know.I don't remember anything.I think that girl told about our plan to Anjali" Padma wiped her tears.

"Iam also thinking the same.Don't worry I will let my dad to talk to higher officials" Shelly told her by gritting teeth thinking about Anjali.

"Shelly just visited Padma and wanted to release her" Ashok called to Arjun by phone.

"Being her behind the station will not bring any excitement" Arjun told and disconnected the call and asked him to prepare some documents."I have prepared what you asked for" Ashok gave him the documents.

"Let's see what can she do now?" Arjun smirked."May I ask you a question" Ashok asked him."Are you in love with Anjali" Ashok's question startled Arjun.

Arjun himself not sure about that.Before meeting Anjali if anyone asked this question he replied without any lag "Love is the last thing I want in my life".But now it was different.

"Hello Iam waiting for your answer" Ashok waved his hand.

"Get out from here before I break your hand" Arjun shoved his hand away from his face.

'Will it hurts you to admit that you are in love with Anjali' Ashok murmured and went outside.

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