Chapter 1 - I have called you by name

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(A/N: anything that's bold in parentheses is an A/N, aka, my thoughts)

You woke up at Simon's house. You sat up, folded your hands, closed your eyes, and prayed. "Dear Heavenly Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever," A moment of silence fell upon the room, "Allow me to control my anger. In Your name, I pray, Amen." 

You heard Simon's whistle from the other side of the room. Your head slowly lifted up to meet Simon. "You do that every morning?" he asked jokingly in disbelief, popping a grape into his mouth. "Yeah," you said, getting up with a sigh. You looked at yourself from shoulders to toe (If you're wondering why it's not head to toe, it's cause you physically can't look at your head without a mirror or somethin' like that, and Simon doesn't have a mirror or anythin' like that.). You were still in the same dirty clothes as always. "That's commitment," he commented before whistling a small tune and walking to the kitchen. You ruffled up your hair to make sure you looked good before dragging your bare feet along the floor (then I see you, you're walkin' 'cross the campus, cruel Professor, studyin' romances)to follow Simon. 

You saw Simon about to walk out of the wooden door. "Where you goin'?" you asked curiously as he whipped his head around. "Me an' Andrew are gonna go pick a fight with Eden's brother." He smirked with determination in his eyes. "Ooh, can I come?" you pleaded, "Pleeeease, Simon?" He sighed heavily and looked you in the eyes, "Fine." "Yessss!" you cheered before following him out the door.


You and Andrew sat at the shore. "How's a double knocker to push if it's two on one!?" Simon ranted, holding a rag to his nose to stop the bleeding, "Made-up rule, right there!"

"Made-up or in stone, who cares?" Andrew mumbled, quite angry with himself, "We lost, and I know better." "No, no, it's my fault," Simon protested, sitting right next to you, "I talked you into it." Simon let out a relieved sigh as he pressed the rag against his nose. "I love that you're showing your brotherly affection and I don't mean to interrupt," You chuckled, looking from Simon to Andrew, then Andrew to Simon, "but, 'Wine  Hands'?" "Sounded more clever in my head," Simon stated.

You looked him dead in the eyes with a serious expression plastered across your face. "Don't blink," you ordered in a warning tone. Andrew watched you two intently as you stared into each other's eyes. "My eyes are burning, Y/N. How do you do this?" he said in disbelief as a tear slid from his eye. "I can't do this, you win." he forfeited with a hearty laugh. You started laughing after him, then even Andrew caught the giggles. 

A few minutes later, the laughing died down and you and Simon got on the boat. "Where are you going?" Andrew called out, standing up. "Work," you stated as Andrew sighed heavily," Later, Andrew." "You're crazy," he yelled. "Everybody is!" you hollered. Andrew gave up and went home. You fished all night while Simon slept once it got dark.


You and Simon were walking back to his place. "Not a single catch!" he ranted during the walk. "Hey, calm down." you soothed, "It was just an unlucky night." Simon started walking faster. An angry look filled his eyes. You tried to keep up. "You're lucky you don't have to do taxes," he sneered. "Believe me, it was hard to get used to." you sighed, "Being a 'dog' is worse than it sounds."(The story on this is that you gave Quintus trouble, so politically, like, in the record books, it says you are a dog).

You arrived at Simon's place and quietly walked through the door, the sunshine beaming inside the room. Simon put down his stuff and you both washed your filthy feet. "Simon," you whisper yelled. "What?" he mouthed back. His eyes followed your e/c eyes to Eden. "Oh...Hello, Love," he greeted. "Don't 'Hello, Love' me," she scolded, crossing her arms, "Why did you beat up Jehosephat?" "What?" Simon tried to play innocent. "My own brother!" She exclaimed. "He attacked me...A-Again," Simon stuttered. You let out a stifled chuckle. "He needs to know that the husband of his sister is strong," she told him, "But Andrew had no right to jump Abrahim from behind!" "Where are you getting this?" he wined. Eden burst out laughing as Simon's face turned annoyed. You couldn't help but laugh a little yourself. "My brothers," she giggled, "They are fantastic storytellers, no?" "Tellers of fantastic stories, yes," he corrected, walking closer to her. "They went into such great detail!" Eden explained with happiness in her voice and a smile on her face, "You must have really given them a pounding, huh?" "I was doing okay till Abe came outta nowhere," he shrugged, "That cost me an' Andrew a lot of money." "Oh-nooo," Eden faked, "They shouldn't cheat you like that when you were also cheating." "All right, all right," Simon sighed, sitting down on the wooden bench, "Pardon me for saying so but your family is-" "Don't you say that my family is troubled in the mind, Simon." Eden scolded, "We are colorful. And fun. But you are stoic and purposeful." She sat on Simon's lap. "Y/N's the stoic one," Simon rolled his eyes while looking at you from across the room. "Together, we're perfection," she told Simon as their lips connected. When their lips parted, you looked at Simon with a fake disgusted face. "That is going to be forever imprinted in my mind," you joked, "and I am forever trying to get rid of it." Eden and Simon burst out laughing.

Eden left the room. "I gotta go, Simon. Matthew's gonna freak out that I was gone for more than 24 hours," you chuckled. "Remind me again why one of your best friends is a taxman?" Simon sneered. "Simon," you warned, "He's a good man." You looked at him in the eyes as he opened his mouth to talk. "And I know you're gonna say 'he had a choice' but it's what he's best at. I don't see why youhate him so much." "Because he's a tax collector, Y/N!" "Well, someone would be collecting your taxes either way," You looked at him intently and gave him a smile, "I love you, Simon, but I gotta go." "Bye"

You left his house.

You found Matthew after 20 minutes of looking. "Y/N!" he exclaimed, "You've been gone for 36 hours and 17 minutes. I couldn't find-" "Hey. Im here, Im okay," you told him, touching your foreheads together. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, separating your foreheads, "Just tired," you smiled, "and hungry." "Then I will get you food, then you sleep before you have Shabbat dinner," he said. "No, Matthew, I'm fine," you denied, letting your smile fade. Just then, you felt a sudden pain in your head. You let out a groan as you stumbled back, your eyes feeling heavy. "Y/N?" Matthew sounded worried. "Hey, Matthew?" you asked. "Yes?" he replied. "I'll meet you at your place in ten minutes, I just gotta do something." He nodded and left.

You started walking. Not headed anywhere, just walking. This usually helped your headaches.

You came across a long-haired man and accidentally bumped into Him. Just as you turned around to face Him, your headache was gone.

"Follow me," He said to you after a long silence. You stared at him intently. "Are you the Messiah?" you asked in confusion. "I am Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah," He nodded gently, "Fear not, for I have called you by name." "Yes," you stated, "I will follow you." You and Him smiled from ear to ear. "Tonight you will go with Thaddeus and James to the house of Mary Magdelene for Shabbat dinner," He told you, "Cause Thaddeus would be lost without you." You both laughed a bit. "I will see You again, Rabbi," you smiled, walking away. "Yes you will," He smiled back as you left.

You raced back to Matthew's place as it had been 12 minutes and he got easily worried.

You ran inside his fancy house. "You're late," he stated once you ran in, out of breath. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to," you apologized, closing the door behind you, "...Are you coming to Shabbat dinner?" "No, I have work to do with Quintus," he said as your face gained a sad expression. "Okay," you did a fake groan, happy that you could go to Shabbat dinner with the Messiah, "I'm gonna go sleep, can you wake me up in an hour?" "Sure," he nodded as you walked into your room and went to sleep.

(End of Chapter)

(:]) (that's supposed to be a ":]" in parentheses)

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