Let's Have A Baby!

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Ashton starts unlocking the wheels of Ellie's bed and I help him by doing the ones on my side. I look to Ellie, "Crys is gonna wait with Si and Cal. Ash and I can come in with you" I say. She nods, looking to her mum. Crystal bends down, kissing her head, "good luck, baby" she whispers. Ellie holds onto her, "I love you" she whispers back and I watch as tears form in my wife's eyes, "I love you too, sunshine" she replies. As we wheel Ellie out of the room, Crys yells after us, "make me a pretty grandbaby!" she calls, making Ellie giggle. I chuckle, looking down to my daughter, "she's not kidding" I tease. Ellie laughs again as we push her bed into the elevator. Ashton pushes the button for theatres and the lift starts to descend.

Ellie lets out a little moan, shuffling herself around as best she can and Ash smiles, "pressure?" he asks. Ellie nods, leading him to nod back, "hang in there, sweetheart. We're almost there" he reassures. The doors of the lift open again and we make our way out and through the halls to theatre. We quickly find ourselves in a waiting bay where I'm left with my daughter as Ash goes to meet Luke and scrub in. Ellie looks up to me anxiously and I smile, "you're gonna be such a good mum" I whisper, planting a kiss on her forehead. She smiles as I put my gown over my clothes and we both cover our hair. Within a few minutes, an intern makes their way to us, taking us into the theatre. I look up to identify who the intern is and am genuinely taken aback to see Josh Baker standing in front of us. I have so many questions...

How is he still here?

Is he now a surgical intern?

Didn't his internship end?

Why wasn't he kicked out?

None of which will be answered, but it doesn't stop me from thinking them and growing concerned. I look down to my daughter and she is looking back up at me nervously. I give her shoulder a squeeze, looking back at Baker, "who put you on this case?" I ask coldly. "Apparently I need more hours in OB" he replies plainly. I groan, "does Hemmings know you're going to be in his OR?" I question. Baker shrugs, "this was a last minute change" he mumbles. I nod, disappointed. I stare at the intern for a minute before getting fed up, "are we going?" I ask, irritated. He nods, coming over and unlocking the wheels of the bed, starting to push it towards the theatre. Ellie grabs my hand, squeezing it tight, and I know she's anxious. I squeeze her hand back, "don't stress, baby. Ash and Luke are gonna keep you safe" I reassure.

We get into the theatre and see Ash and Luke discussing some things with their interns and nurses. As we enter, attention is drawn to us and Luke and Ashton both freeze at the sight of Baker. I'm more than relieved to know they didn't know he was going to be a part of this. Luke tilts his head in confusion, "who let you in my OR?" he asks. Baker shrugs, "I need more OB hours" he replies, not an ounce of respect evident anywhere in his tone. Luke raises an eyebrow, looking over to me to check if I'm ok with this. I send my friend a shrug, really not sure how to feel about this. We make a silent, mutual decision to pretend that the man is not an issue unless he becomes one, and we start helping Ellie over to the operating table.

Ellie lets out a little whine and it's pretty clear the baby is ready to come out. Ash sends my daughter a little smile, "alright, gorgeous girl. I've gotta check how dilated you are, then we'll get this started" he says. Ellie nods with a whimper as Ash moves to the end of the table. He checks the dilation and my daughter whimpers, squirming uncomfortably. "Sorry, sweet pea. I'm done, we're not in active labour" Ash says, sending Luke a nod to tell him that they can start.

"Alrighty, angel. You're gonna feel some pressure now. Tell us if there's anything sharp or sore" Luke says. I grab Ellie's hand and she looks to me. Tears are forming in her eyes and I send her a compassionate smile, "have you decided on a name?" I ask, trying to distract her but also really curious. She smiles, "that's for me to know and you to find out" she smirks. I chuckle, "alright... tell me, do you reckon it's a boy or a girl?" I ask. She shrugs, "I don't-" she's cut off, obviously uncomfortable. "You're doing really well, Ellie. You've almost got a baby!" Ash encourages. I smile, moving strands of hair out of her face.

Eventually, we have a baby. "We've got a beautiful baby girl here, Elle!" Luke says excitedly. Tears fill my eyes, "Mike" Ash says, bringing me out of my thoughts. I look to him and he's holding the baby, "wanna cut the cord?" he asks. I nod eagerly, cutting the umbilical cord gently. I've been so overwhelmed with emotion that I hadn't noticed, instead of the room being filled with the screams of a newborn, it's silent. While Ashton quickly takes the baby and starts working on her, Ellie starts to hyperventilate, "why isn't she crying?" she asks desperately. Luke, still working on closing her abdomen, chimes in, "it'll be ok, Elle. She's breathing, she's just not crying yet. Ash is just trying to stimulate her" he reassures. It's not the most encouraging thing to hear, but it's the best we've got. Ellie lets out a cry, "I want my baby" she whispers. I nod, "I know, sunshine. Ash is working on it" I whisper.

Screams fill the room and it's gotta be the best sound I've ever heard. I let out a breath of relief and Ellie does the same. We've both been holding our breath for what feels like ages. As soon as he can, Ash brings the baby over, resting her on Ellie's chest. Ellie cries, giving her baby a cuddle and holding her lovingly, "hi, baby" she cries. I cry, watching my daughter with her daughter. I crouch down, giving both my girls a kiss, "do I get to know her name yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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