Back to the Hospital

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I take Ellie's hand as we step into the lift and I press the button to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department. Ellie squeezes my hand and rests herself into me, obviously not super keen on being here. I place a gentle kiss on the top of her head before the doors open and we step out. I drag Ellie over to the reception and smile at Mia, who is sitting at the desk with a wide smile across her face, "hello Dr Clifford! Dr Irwin mentioned you would be in today. You guys can just go have a seat, the doctor will be with you soon" she says happily. I smile, "thanks Mia" I say before walking over to the chairs, pulling Ellie to sit next to me. She curls into a ball and rests into me. I rub the back of her head comfortingly, "we can go back home soon sunshine, Ash'll get this done as quick as he can for you" I say. Ellie nods, and as if on cue, Ash walks out of the hallway. He smiles to us and waves us over, "come on in guys!" he says enthusiastically. We get up and walk over to him. Ash opens his arms, "there's my favourite girl! How are we going today?" he asks, pulling her into a hug. Ellie shrugs, "been better" she says. Ash chuckles, "would you feel better if I let you go back home?" he asks. Ellie nods and he nods back, "alrighty then chickee, let's do this quickly" he says. Ellie nods and we both follow him back to his exam room. He playfully jumps on his stool, rolling over to his desk, "wanna take a seat for me chickadee?" he asks, directing her to the exam table. Ellie groans before hopping on the table.

Ash quickly types something into his computer before coming out from his desk and rolling over to Ellie, still on his stool. "Alrighty, should we go over the plan for today?" he suggests. Ellie nods and he smiles, "ok pretty girl. I wanna do an ultrasound so we can check on baby, and we'll get some bloods from you to make sure everything's alright with you. Then, hopefully we can start getting you to school!" he says. Ellie nods, "that's it?" she asks sceptically. Ash chuckles, "that's the plan. If something changes, I promise I'll let you know" he says. Ellie nods again, "and it's just you?" she checks. Ash smiles, "just me chickee. No one else will come in" he says. "Ok" Ellie mumbles. "What do we wanna get done first Elle, ultrasound or bloods?" he asks. Ellie shrugs, "bloods?" she says, almost as a question. Ash nods, "sounds like a plan!" he says, rolling over to the counter and grabbing the blood kit.

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