❄️ 12 ❄️

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It had been two days since the game and Yoongi was still too upset. That evening, he broke down into tears as soon as he made it back to the dorm. Jimin's words had really hit him harder than what he imagined.

He had always known that he didn't deserve Taehyung. When the taller boy asked him out, he had been so ecstatic and said yes without thinking about it too much. All of it felt so surreal to him that he really didn't give any rational thought.

"Are you two even dating or is he just using you as a bait in trying to get over me? Does Taehyung even like you or is just toying with you?"

Jimin's words felt like a slap to his face. What he said was actually true. It wasn't like Taehyung liked him or anything. He was just his fake boyfriend. A fake boyfriend who came in the picture just to get Tae and his crush together.

And that was it? Right!

The reality of the situation was right in front of him yet he said yes to whatever Tae said to him. Why? Because he liked Tae too much and couldn't bring himself to say no to him!


But- it couldn't be that Taehyung was really toying with him, right? No! Why would he? He is a kind person. Why the heck would he hurt Yoongi? He was really sweet and had always treated Yoongi with kindness and so much care and he knew Tae would never hurt him.

Jimin probably said that stuff just to get the reality of his relationship with Tae out of him. Yeah. That must be it.

But why did his words affect Yoongi so much? Yoongi already had a reality check but Jimin really didn't have to rub that on his face. His each and every word was like a stab to Yoongi's heart over and over again.

The pain was too much to handle and he knew he couldn't even share it with anyone, not even with his best friends. Dahyun didn't know about the reality of his relationship with Tae and Hoseok knew. He knew and he had already warned Yoongi about the consequences of saying 'yes' to Tae.

If he shared it with them, he should definitely get tons of scolding and Hoseok would even make him end everything with Tae, and that was the least thing he would want happening to him.

And with those thoughts, he was left all alone on his own in his misery.

He spent that night curled up under his sheets over his bed and cried himself to sleep.

He skipped school the next day, thinking he would copy notes from Dahyun or any of his classmates. He didn't have the energy to leave his bed to even use the bathroom or get himself to eat something.

In the evening, when his stomach began cramping and begging him to feed it something, he finally crawled out from the piles of blankets and dragged himself to the kitchen.

As he opened the refrigerator, he groaned loudly. There was nothing in there. He had forgotten to buy groceries. He was supposed to go grocery shopping yesterday but he was too busy crying in his misery. His stomach was aching so he had no option but to go for groceries.

After, finally changing out of his outfit from yesterday into a black hoodie and sweatpants, he adjusted the hood over his head and left the dorm at 7 in the evening. The fresh air did feel good against his face but he cut the trip short and hurried back to his dorm.

After having ramen, he spent the rest of the night watching a sappy series and slept over the couch. He attended the school the next day. As expected, all of his teachers worried about him and asked about his whereabouts. He just said he was sick.

Dahyun was worried about him but he assured her that he was okay. Even, though she knew he was lying, she decided not to push him. She knew Yoongi would never skip any class. In the past, he had attended classes even when he was burning up with fever. Today, however, he looked a bit gloomy.

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