Chapter 15

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My head leans against the window as the events from last night come back to haunt me. Everything is a little fuzzy, but I can recall my embarrassing actions quite clearly. The kissing, the intense feelings, the headache, it was all horrifying, though I did enjoy the kissing very much. I cannot help it, the Mate bond has me tightly in its hold. The bond will surely give me a hard time these next few days, as Sebastian is painfully far from the Kenn Pack. I wonder if he will be able to sleep because I know that I will be tossing and turning for most of the dreadful night. My anxiety is already continuously reminding me of the nightmares since Sebastian will not be here to shield me from it all.

Saying goodbye was a hurdle, and I almost did not make it over. This is the first time we will ever be apart for more than half a day, and the realization of being on my own is making my foot tap rapidly. The feeling of his kiss and embrace still lingers on my skin, making me grasp onto it for as long as I can muster. It was not a quick goodbye. The entire morning felt like one giant wave off. I was anticipating it ever since I managed to fall asleep the night before.

Sebastian insisted we take a car instead of a shifted travel, as the public roads are much safer than unclaimed forest. I had only been in a car once before when my parents were dropping me off at Grandmothers. We parked on the side of a road quite similar to the one I am on now, and they lead me through the dense trees until we reached the house. I wonder where that car is now.

Taking my head off the window, I fall to my side along the back seats and try to rest my eyes. Two guards sit up front, the ones who are watching over me at the Kenn Pack, and I trust them to get us there safely. After politely asking if that is indeed a window on the roof, I ask for the cover to be pushed back so I can stare at the sky. All of it looks like a blue blur with other white blurs sparsely splattered about, and it is not as entertaining as I hoped it to be. Maybe if it was night, maybe then I could look up at the stars and the moon. "How long is the drive to the Kenn Pack?"

"Around three hours, Luna," one of the guards kindly inform me.

I do not remember such a long drive from when I was a child. We have probably been in the car for only twenty minutes, and I already feel a longing for my mate. Hopefully, Alpha Kenn can distract me from the saddening thoughts with much-needed information on his Uncle. It is, after all, why I am leaving my mate in the first place, so I can live with him without having a fear of being killed every day, waiting for it to happen in a pit of paranoia.

I already miss his voice, his smile—which I see rarely—and the secure feeling of having his arms wrapped around me. I cannot blame all of these feelings on the Mate bond anymore, as I am very guilty.

After last night we both went upstairs, and in the fifteen minutes, it takes for us to get ready for bed he must have asked me if I was okay ten times. He wanted to call the doctor, but I convinced him that I was alright. The doctor is here so often that with one more visit he will think we are purposely trying to become ill. After this, he thought I should wait a couple of days until leaving, which also took a fair bit of convincing.

I manage to fall asleep in the car and before I know it a soft hand is tapping on my arm. "Luna, we're here."

"I told you not to wake her up," a whispering voice scolds the other.

"What are we supposed to do? Wait until she wakes up? That could be tomorrow."

"I don't know."

My eyes flutter open and instead complete daylight, I see an orange sky ahead of me. The two guards hit each other when they notice my awakening. "Are we here?" I mumble and wearily sit up.

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