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"Fez open the fucking door!"
Rue yelled and banged on his front door.

A blond girl came to the door and gave us a funny but friendly look.

"Heyyy I'm Fayyyeee"

I looked at Rue and looked at Faye, she looked like a duck with her lips if I'm being honest.

Rue;,,Hey Faye, where's Fez and Ash?"

Fez:,,faye get away from that fucking door! Hey guys come in."

Rue and I sit on Fezco's couch.


,,What do you want?!"
Ash slowly came down the stairs until he saw me.
He rolled his eyes and you could tell he was annoyed.

"Show Ella your room, she's sleeping in your bed tonight"

,,Are you serious?!"

,,Yes! Ash don't fucking be an ass! She's small and can't sleep with me or on the sofa because of Faye!"

"But on the floor?

"Ash don't talk shit who's sleeping on the floor?!"

Ash showed me that I was shown his room and then we went back to Tunter to Fez.
Why do I have to sleep with him!?

Fez: "Rue you will sleep on a mattress"


It's evening and we're all hungry.
Fez ordered a large pizza each, I just wanted a small one.

When the pizza came we sat down at the table and ate, Faye wanted to get something to drink from the fridge.
She bent down so that half of her ass cheek could be seen.
Ash looks shortly after and his appetite was gone, you could see that.
Ash was really pissed off omg his looks were indescribable!
He picked up his pizza and went upstairs.
When we finished eating I went to Ash in his room.

He played on the computer and talked to his friends.
I carefully monitored myself in his bed and tried to fall asleep.

"A bitch has to sleep in my bed!"

"Yoo is she pretty at all?"

"Yeah, but she's a bitch!"

I was tearing from the pain in my eyes.
The worst thing was that I started to cry softly until I had to gasp for air.
Startled, he turned and looked at me.

I was just pretending to sleep.

He went to bed after a while and we fell asleep together.

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