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As Bonnie Bennett came back to life...the world died.

With a gasp, Bonnie's eyes snapped open...and she screamed. As she screamed...her magic burst from her, crawling across the world.

Her scream echoed across the surface...the world burning at her feet.

 In the future historians and scientists would believe that an asteroid ended the reign on the dinosaurs but that is not true...the world ended because of the might of one witch.

Bonnie Bennett screamed as everything her magic touched...died.

Across the globe...in a single moment...plants, animals, dinosaurs...ceased to exist, species falling extinct. And the few species to survive...would know Bonnie Bennett...as the first god of their world.

The Bennett would be alone for a long time...the only human alive...for an eternity.

Her death had sent her to the beginning of time, the first human, the first immortal. Well...semi-immortal.

The witch was a new kind of immortal, the years remaining for those she killed before their time would be added to her lifetime. She could die, yes, but she always came back...until she would run out of years. But the Bennett had killed the planet...so she would not run out of years for a long time.

And after a long time, after an eternity...new immortals would be born to this world, created by a void...whose only company...was a lonely girl.

The Bennett and these immortals would shape the world. They would create humanity, and knowledge and cultures...and they would exist as our world's gods.

But as I said...it would be a long time...before the Bennett encountered another soul.

A WRINKLE IN TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now