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The Duke's words settled over the room like a thunderhead, even Hal appeared to be caught off guard by the news. The information did not seem real in Matt's mind; he could not imagine High King Castius dead. Throughout his entire life the King had been this constant looming presence, never seen, but always felt. The throne was blamed for everything that occurred in Verden, both good and ill. Praise and thanks were regularly lifted to his name when referencing the relative safety that most of Verden enjoyed, and the long period of peace that the kingdom had experienced over the last half-century. It was, however, also the King that people feared, and it was the King they cursed whenever things went wrong, high taxes, bandit attacks, lack of overseas trade opportunities. Of course the curses were never offered with much volume, except by certain men made brave by their cups. They had all been taught from a young age how Castius was the son of the most powerful human Stormcrier, old High King Igor who had saved Verden from the dragons and founded the kingdom with the other first dukes, and had inherited all his father's strength. Not many were willing to draw the ire of a man with such supernatural powers, who also had the authority to send the military to their doorstep if he so chose. Even as a member of the resistance it was impossible to comprehend the suddenness of the High King's death.

"How did he die?" Anthony asked, breaking the stillness with the question on everyone's mind.

"He was killed last night as he slept. Our spies inside Stormcliff say we are being blamed for his assassination," Percival said slowly.

"Did you assassinate him?" Will asked pointedly, staring intently at the dukes as if he were attempting to read their very souls. Beside them, Hal looked just as interested in their response as the young noble.

"No, it was not us," Lucas answered forcefully, looking extremely troubled. "Do not think we would be so foolish as to order this killing. The High King's death makes things much more complicated for us." He trailed off abruptly, scratching his chin absently, seeming to stare past them, lost in thought.

"How does this assassination make things more complicated? Was it not our goal to overthrow the High King? Why should we care if someone did the most difficult part for us?" Anthony asked. Matt had been wondering the same thing, but had been unsure if he should voice his confusion aloud; everyone else had seemed so concerned and upset by the revelation. He could not understand why the resistance would not be celebrating the death of High King Castius.

"Yes, we intended to overthrow Castius, but as hard as it may be to believe, we had hoped to force his surrender or abdication, killing him would have been a very last resource, his family and all of ours have been connected for so many years, we did not wish him dead. At least not until after we had secured the majority of his territory. Now, with no High King, Verden may fall into chaos shortly if the dukes in the West have aspirations for power." Lucas explained.

"Why would there be no High King? Matt asked, "Prince Alexander is the rightful heir to the throne, why would he not take his father's place?" The thought of the elder prince becoming the new High King infuriated him. Despite his better judgment he had trusted the two princes almost completely until they had ordered Duke Isaac's murder, a mistake that he would never again commit.

"No one seems to know where Prince Alexander currently is. He was seen leaving Stormcliff a few days ago and no one has heard of him since," Duke Samuel said.

"What about Prince Nathan?" Sylvia asked. "If Alexander is not found Nathan would be the heir apparent, at least until his Alexander returns to the capital." From the looks on the Dukes' faces Matt knew the answer before they even spoke.

"It appears," Lucas said, choosing his words carefully, "that the assassins killed Prince Nathan as well. His chambers were torched as they fled the palace. Our sources say that his body was almost unrecognizable when he was found."

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