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   Deep below the third story room where Matt sat alone by the fire, Hal Heartwick sat similarly alone in the silence of his cell. The dimly flickering torches left most of the room in harsh shadows that restricted his vision to just outside the confines of his cell. The room was cold and dank; the bars were confining and impenetrable, but all things considered, it was assuredly not even close to the worst place he had spent time in. He allowed himself a small smile, everything was going exactly as he had hoped it would.

   He perked up as the heavy door to the room creaked open a couple inches. It was impossible to tell time this far away from the sun, but this was much earlier than he expected the dukes to respond to his offer. Perhaps they were finally bringing him dinner? He was famished. The guards exchanged a brief whispered conversation with the newcomer too quiet for Hal to pick up before quickly filing out of the room, leaving him alone with his mysterious visitor.

   "Who's there?" Hal asked confidently. "Back so soon? I knew you couldn't stay away for long." There was no answer for a long moment, the sound of the door closing as quietly as it had opened was the only noise to disturb the stillness. Hal squinted into the darkness but he could not make out any more than the vague outline of his visitor.

   "Hello Hal," a voice answered, finally breaking the silence.

   "Are you attempting to threaten me from the shadows?" Hal asked, unable to keep a hint of amusement from his voice, "It's been almost twenty years, but I still recognize your voice, in the light or in the shadows." His heart began to beat almost imperceptibly faster in his chest, an unfamiliar sensation to the most wanted man in Verden.

   "Then you should know to stand when you are in my presence," his visitor replied snidely.

   "Oh, I think you're doing enough standing for both of us, I like my bench."

   "I see that you haven't changed at all over the years," the man said, anger already creeping into his voice.

   "Oh I've changed some," Hal said, waving a hand casually, "But I see that you haven't. Still as quick as ever to anger. You sure you don't want to come out of the shadows? This would be more fun face to face." Could he contain himself from reaching through the bars and strangling his old enemy if he came close?

   His visitor gave a short, humorless laugh, "I think it would be best for both of us if I kept my distance."

   "Of course, whatever is best for you," Hal said graciously, "Why have you come to visit me in my lovely room?"

   "You know why I've come," the man said, "Do not act innocent with me, Heartwick."

   "Your words ring true, I do know why you're here," Hal conceded. He had known that this conversation was coming since the moment he had allowed himself to be captured by the resistance. He had waited nearly two, long, decades for this conversation.

  "I would prefer it if you could keep your voice down," his visitor hissed angrily.

  "Who is going to hear me all the way down here?" Hal asked innocently. "Did the guards not already see you enter?"

  "They allowed me to enter, but they do not know the nature of our conversation. Even the most silent of guards may be tempted to gossip if they could overhear us. I would request that you do not refer to me by name."

  "What should I call you then?" Hal asked. "I swear if you ask for something dramatic and mysterious I will throw up in my cell."

"You used to use the name Dolos to refer to me. Perhaps you can resume that practice," his most despised enemy suggested, the hint of a smirk in his voice.

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