4: Escape from Ketterdam

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     The Wraith's gaze, always watchful and alert, roamed over the dark, shuttered houses of Fifth Harbour

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The Wraith's gaze, always watchful and alert, roamed over the dark, shuttered houses of Fifth Harbour. She walked on silent, light feet, moving past beggars curled up in newspapers and dogs fighting over filthy wads of garbage. The dim flicker of a lantern, the red hot end of a knobbly cigar, the orange glow of a street lamp - all was reflected in her deep, brown eyes.

There was nothing to see here, she decided. All of the action was currently taking place further down the docks where Kirigan was secretly attempting his departure. He really must be distracted if he thought the Dregs were back in the Barrel, none the wiser. It just went to show that he didn't really know them at all.

Months earlier, he had pitted a band of common thieves with a wicked reputation against the legendary Sun Summoner. Now, he was about to see just how wicked they really were.

"Psst. Wraith."

Inej raised her eyebrows as a tall, dark shadow fell into place beside her. She had heard him coming from metres back, not that she could really blame him. It was hard to be quiet when you were so long and gangly.

"Is it time, Jes?"

Jesper flipped open an extravagant golden watch - one he had lost in a bet to a Ravkan merchant and then stolen. "Almost."

Inej pulled out the roll of papers Kaz had given her from her belt.

"Are they clean?" Jesper queried as he snapped the watch shut.

"Yes." Inej held the papers up to the street lamp next to her and watched as the parchment caught fire. She waited until the papers were engulfed in flames before dropping them to the ground near her feet. A beggar crawled from the shadows and held out his wrinkled, grimy hands - desperate for warmth. Inej's heart twinged with pain when she saw him. The crude profiles Kaz had drawn up on their accomplices were now serving as a temporary fix of relief.

A surge of anger rolled over her. This was Kirigan's doing. These poor people and their suffering were a result of his fanatic lust for power. Greed. It had consumed him and all that was good and now Ketterdam was paying the price.

But Inej couldn't help but draw comparisons between Kirigan and themselves. Weren't they doing the same thing? Forsaking their country, their people for better prospects? Prospects that just so happened to include riches and influence? Were they not just as equally selfish and greedy?

Inej gritted her teeth and stamped the fire out.

"Oh, here he is!" Jesper whistled brightly as Kaz came limping around the corner, Nina and her bags in tow. "How are we doing?"

Kaz ignored him and looked over at Inej. "Is it done?"

Inej nodded. "It is."

The corners of Kaz's mouth transformed into a self-satisfied smirk. He turned to Jesper. "You know what to do."

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