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Sadly, it wasn't a long drive from the hospital to the group home-it's less time with my daughter. But every quick minute, I reminded myself that in an hour or two, Ms. Spencer and Agnes will be at my doorstep. After six long months, I can finally foster her, then I will adopt her.

Gabriella stayed in the car while I dropped Agnes off at the doorstep. Lena wasn't thrilled about seeing me. I smiled in her face, told my daughter that I love her, and promised her that she'll be home by nightfall.

When I'm halfway down the path, Gabriella climbs out of the car. "I'm going to get a Uber home."

"No, you're not. Get in the car," I try to say as normal as possible and not as a creep. "I mean..." I shove my hands in my pockets, "I can drive you home if you want." The same reason why I got upset about her allowing Agnes in an Uber is the same reason why I don't want her to take one; they're dangerous. And it still pisses me off that she-someone that cares for child-doesn't understand that.

"Can you?"

The car was completely and utterly awkward with the strange tension between Gabriella and me. Good thing the car ride wasn't long. The bad thing is Gabriella hesitated getting out of the car.

I wait quietly for her to get out or to move or to even-

"I've always had a thing for you, Will," she says abruptly. "You were everything I wanted when we met...now, I'm not sure, after seeing you with Agnes-" I sigh, rubbing my left temple with my fingertips "-you're just..." she groans in frustration. "Do you want to come in?"

"I'm not looking for anything serious." Why the hell did I just say that?

"I'm not either."

I chuckle. "Still seeking for adventure?"

"You are a lifetime of adventure."


"I'm going to go," I say, slipping out of the bed. I grab my pants from the floor and quickly put them on. I stayed way longer than I should've...

"Same thing tomorrow?" Gabriella asks.

"My daughter's going to be home."


"Look," I give up on finding my shirt and give her my full attention. "My daughter's finally home, I'm in no rush to leave for..." I wave my hand between us, "this. Nothing and no one goes before my daughter. Not even myself."

"Well, you should take my number then, and call me when you...you know, put yourself first."

I roll my eyes. "I know you only work with kids part-time, but my kid, my daughter is full-time. Don't waste your time or breathe trying to change that." I slip into the hall, grateful to find my shoes and shirt there, and hurry out of the apartment.

When I got home, I took a long shower, attempting to wash away the last hour and a half. I've never regretted sex before, I never thought I would regret sex with Gabriella-she's hot, nice body, and it was meaningless-yet I'm regretting it.

So fucking pissed with myself, I punch the bathroom wall, knocking out a few tiles. "Fuck!" Pure pain shoots up my arm.


With the Fourth of July being tomorrow, fireworks are going on everywhere. I've never been to a showing before, and I was hoping daddy would take me, but with Robbie in the hospital, we can't go. It won't feel right without him.

The car slows down to a halt, and I peer out my window and see home.

"Ready?" Ms. Spencer says, putting the car in park.

"Yes." I tighten my hold on Night Fury.

"Let's see if he here's first."

As we climb out of the car, the front door opens and daddy walks out. He jogs over and picks me up. "Hey, baby girl." He pecks my forehead.

"Your hair's wet." I hold out my hand and catch a water drop from his hair. "Why are you wearing a long sleeve? It's hot."

He forces a grin. "I'll tell you about it later," he whispers then puts me down and keeps his hand in mind. "You can park in the driveway," he tells Ms. Spencer.


It took us an hour or two to unpack my bags then reorganize all my things. In the process, I asked daddy about Fourth of July, and he said the same thing; he doesn't want to spend it without Robbie either. Daddy told me he was planning on staying at the hospital since Robbie's room has a nice view. We would be able to see for miles from the window. After we decided to surprise Robbie for the Fourth of July, we settled down on my day bed.

"Aren't you hot?" I reach over and tug at his sleeve.

"I'm wearing it because I didn't want you to see this," he says, turning on his side. He pulls up his sleeve just a little to expose a bruise on his hand. My eyes widen. "Crap, it's getting worse," he mutters to himself.

"Daddy," I gasp. "What happened? Who did this to you?"

"I did it to myself. I punched the wall," he rushes out.

"Why? Why would you hurt yourself?" My bottom lip begins to tremble.

Instantly, Daddy sits up and yanks me to his chest, holding me tightly. "No, baby, it wasn't like that. I-I-I did something wrong-more like stupid...and I got upset."

I pull away to look at him. "What did you do?" I don't mean to ask but my curiosity got the best of me.

He grimaced. "Something you should know nothing about until you're..." his brows pull together as he thinks of an answer. "Forty."

"Until I'm forty?"

"Yeah," he nods.

"So why are you telling me about it now?"

"Communication. You tell me things, I tell you things, it's only fair."

"I tell you things..."

He smiles. "Well, I hope so."

I glance down at my bracelet and pick at it. "Tell you things like...I don't like when you get mad?"

Daddy's quiet for a few seconds. "At the hospital...right? When I got upset with Gabriella." I nod. "Agnes, what she did was dangerous; she put you in a stranger's car with no consideration of your safety. And if the way I reacted, if it...if I scared you, I'm sorry. I was just worried."

"I know, that's why I didn't say anything."

"Next time, please do."

I nod. "Communication."

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you too. Can we put ice on your hand?"

He chuckles. "Yeah, sure."

"And you're getting it checked out tomorrow when we visit Robbie."

"It's not broken," he argues.

"Okay...so when I get hurt and nothing's not broken, then I'm fine, right?"

Daddy laughs then brushes my bangs out of my face. "You're are too young to be a fearsome force of nature."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It is, but don't let my answer dictate what you think. If you want to be a fearsome force of nature, then be one. If you know you're a force of nature, don't hide it."

Fighting For What's MissingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz