author's note (again)

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first of all thank you for reading this far

second of all thank you for reading this far (again)

THIRD of all thank you for reading this far AND putting up with every single awkward and cringey bit of dialogue, action, and character interaction i could possibly squeeze into this story

like seriously


while i would like to remind you that what you've read is a VERY rough draft of some lil somethin that's been in my brain, i am still proud of it, especially since i have terrible commitment issues when it comes to the things i write. the fact that i've actually completed this story at a relatively decent word count is an accomplishment, i think.

i am most certainly aware that i am by far not even ONE of the best authors out there - i'm about moderate, if we want to be generous - but writing is truly my passion and i'm so thankful that there are actually people out there, however few, that are willing to give my stuff a go. once again, thank you.

toby and leo have grown very close to my heart. i've had their characters stewing up in my head for about a year now, though i actually started clusterfuck in october of 2020 and they've undergone some pretty harsh revision and development. they aren't perfect, but no character is. that's what makes them real, to me.

so, yeah. sorry for being sappy.

thank you everyone who has come along for the ride; writing clusterfuck was definitely a valuable experience, no matter how unmotivated or stressed out i got because of it over these past couple months :')

see you next time!

see you next time!

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~ ej

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