Chap 3

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It's my birthday. So here is the reward, guys.



'Cring! Cring!'

"Hye, little bro. How are you?" greeted P'Mew, happily as soon as he took the call.

"P'Mew!!! Why are you picking up mom's phone?" asked Forth in wonder.

"I'm fine too. Thanks for asking," replied P'Mew sarcastically.

"How come you're home? Don't you have outstation work this month?" asked Forth as he set up the phone on the kitchen counter.

"Finished early. So, I'm back home for the weekend. By the way, How's Beam? He is in his early second trimester, right?" questioned P'Mew.

"Yes, he is. We thought Beam wouldn't experience morning sickness since it didn't hit him up in the first trimester. But seem like it was late on schedule. He is coping up, though. Where's mom?" asked Forth, a little restless.

"Wait a bit, mama boy. Mom went to the kitchen to check something. You are going to be a dad soon. Be mature, please," teased P'Mew.

These Jaturapoom brothers never miss a chance to tease their baby brother. Even though Forth is soon going to be a father, they still treat him like a baby.

"She can hear you. You are on speaker mode," added Mew.

"MOM!!! P'Mew is bullying me," was the first thing he said when Mew informed their mom's whereabouts.

Forth complained to his mother while preparing the ingredients for lunch.

"Stop teasing him, Mew. How are you and Beam, baby?" asked Mrs. Marla when she joined Mew in the living room.

"We are good, mom. Mom, I need your recipe for spicy carbonara pasta. Beam is kind of craving for it," stated Forth.

"Personal advice from me. Don't cook. Why don't you buy it from outside? I'm pretty sure that you're not going to make it," kidded Mew again as he laughed his ass off.

"Mooooom, look at him," whined Forth again.

"Stop it, you two. Follow my steps and, your pasta is going to be wonderful. I guarantee that, okay?" consoled Mrs. Marla.

Forth listened to the instruction carefully. Forth even jots down some steps to avoid making mistakes.

"Share the results in our family group. Forth, I'm so excited for the arrival of my niece/nephew," stated Mew excitedly.

Forth doesn't know how to react to that sudden statement. The soon-to-be dad is not familiar with this kind of comment yet.

"Update about the outcome, okay? Take care of yourself and Beam's as well," stated Mrs.Marla as she hangs up the call.

It was a simple recipe but, with Mew teasing Forth non-stop, it took merely half an hour to teach him the steps.

Forth prepared the remaining ingredients and put away the phone before start cooking. If Beam saw the phone anywhere near the stove, Forth can say goodbye to his phone. It's dangerous to have electronic devices such as a phone near the fire. Who knows when it will burst due to heat.

As Forth was cooking, he heard slow footsteps from the stairs. Beam was walking down from their master bedroom. That poor soul threw up everything he had for breakfast and slept due to exhaustion. He slowly walked up to Forth and back hugged him as he rested his head on Forth's broad shoulders.

"How do you feel now, baby? Are you hungry?" questioned Forth softly as he relaxed into the hug.

"Much better. Little dizzy," answered Beam while he inhaled Forth's scent deeply.

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