Chapter 22

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¨Well everything looks good. The wounds are healing nicely and there are no signs of infection. Since you still feel slight discomfort, give it at least a week and I think you´re good to go back to work¨ I smiled at my Por.

¨Ah, the perks of having a Doctor in the Family.¨ Por said.

¨Thank you, Doctor.¨ Mae smiled at me.

¨Just relax and take it easy. Okay? Let my older brothers do the work for you, Por.¨

¨Yeah, yeah. Whatever.¨ He teasingly said.

¨So, how was your Paris trip? Give me all the details.¨ My Mae asked me.

¨It was nice. The place still looks the same and it was really fun.¨ I just shrugged.

¨I´m glad. I remember the day Mew visited me and your Por to officially ask for you hand. What a great kid.¨ Mom smiled.


¨When was that? I don´t know about that.¨ I said.

¨Mae! He still doesn´t know about that!¨ Por said.

Before I get to ask, someone knocked on the door.
It´s P´Mew.

¨Hello. Dinner is ready. Metawin asked me to get you guys.¨ He said smiling.

¨Let´s go.¨ Por said as he took Mae´s hand and passed me.

What are they talking about?


We´re done with dinner and I´m currently at our room, going through the messages I wasn´t able to read since I was so busy today.

¨Love, do you want to watch a movie? You used to like movies, right?¨ P´Mew asked.

¨Yup, I still love movies. But, can we do this another time, Phi? I don't feel like watching movies now. Let's just go to the balcony and chill. I feel like drinking wine. Do you want a glass?¨ I asked him as I took out a wine inside the personal fridge we have in the room.

¨Uhm, Okay. Sure.¨ He replied as I stepped out on the Balcony and sat on one of the chairs we have there.

I stared at the stars, admiring them, when I felt like the switch of the light inside our room was turned off. Now, the only light we have is the reflection of the moon in the balcony. P´Mew then stepped into the balcony, bringing a guitar.

¨And since we´re here. Let me sing to you, Love¨ P´Mew said.

How romantic.

¨I´d love that, Phi.¨ I smiled. I'm not sure if he saw it but I can feel him smiling while strumming the guitar.

¨Whose guitar is that, by the way? Didn´t know you brought one with you.¨ I asked.

¨It's Metawin´s. I just borrowed it.¨ He explained.

We fell in a comfortable silence when he started strumming the guitar.

He started singing.

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath

Oh, our song. 

I smiled and just listened to him singing.

I remember the way we danced in the rain.
How we were always together and all the happy memories we had.

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