Chapter 4

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Things would've been easier if Eye Siwaphon is mean and vicious.  But damn, that girl is a cotton candy.  Not only is she pretty and smart, she's a daughter of the family who owns almost half of the shopping malls here in Bangkok.

She's perfect. So she's also a perfect match for Mew.

I can still feel the pain I felt when he first introduced her as his girlfriend.

That alone almost killed me. 

So how will I live being divorced to the man I love while he goes back to being lovey-dovey with his ex-girlfriend?

I can't breathe the same air as them.
That would kill me. So I need to find another way to survive. I need to live after all of this.

I could've just declined and let him be but I can't stand not helping Mew. I owe him my life. The day I accidentally found out that he's a part of the Mafia, he saved me from being killed. 

So this is the last thing I could do for him. After this, I'll just move out of Thailand and never come back.

"Why? Why will you go?" Mew asked.

"I've always wanted to go to a better hospital. I told you what I wanted, right? I want to be a well known Trauma Surgeon. For that to happen, I need to go. I need to grow too. I can't be stuck here forever"

I can't be stuck on you forever. I need to leave you. I need to move on from this.

He stayed silent for at least a minute and said. 

"Fine. After a year, I'll convince them to let you live outside Thailand."

"Okay. let's get married then."


"We need rules."

Mew said as he walk back and forth from the office.

"I agree. But it we're not going to put it on paper.  This is not a lakorn where our parents will find the contract and go hunting for our heads. I will not let that happen."

"Thats… You are exaggerating again, Gulf."

"I'm not. So state the rules. Let's just practice Honesty or something, don't go James Jirayu on me."

I can be dramatic sometimes. Sometimes.

He just raised his eyebrows and started talking.

"No one should know that it's fake. No one except for us. Especially your friend Mild, that dude's a blabbermouth."

Well, what he's saying about Mild is true. I nodded.

"Always practice Honest or something. I need to know everything. Once the news about us getting married, your life will be in danger, 10 times more than it was before. So I Need to know where you are what you're doing. I'll do the same as well. I need updates every 2-3 hours. If it reaches 3 hours and 5 minutes. I'll go James Jirayu on you or whatever you want to call it."

"What if I have more than 3 hours of surgery? You can't just barge in to the hospital shouting my name while looking for me."

"Believe me, I can. I need you to be safe. If you can't message me let Mild know. Let him message me in your behalf" 

"That's too much, Phi. What will I tell him if he asked me why you're like that?"

"Tell him I'm a clingy husband."

Wow.  Husband. 

My heart skipped a beat.

Calm down, Gulf. This is just for a year. He'll go back to Eye. You'll leave this country and start over. Don't get carried away.

Well, speaking of Eye….

"Phi, you know I'll agree to your terms whatever it may be. But I only want to ask one from you."

"What is it?"

"Break up with Eye. I don't want you talking to her behind my back or seeing her while we are still married. I understand that you did this for her. You love her, I get it. But I don't want to be caught in a mess where people will see you doing that behind my back. Once we are married, everyone will know. This is not because I'm selfish but if you want her sage. You have to do this for her too. If she loves you, she'll trust you. She'll wait for you. Is that okay for you? If you can't, let's call this wedding off"

I am trying so hard not to stutter. What I'm asking isn't too much. It's just right. Right?

"Yeah, I know. I'm planning to break up with her anyway.  I'll do it. I'll do it later before we tell our parents if you want to."

"How will you do it? How will I know that you really did it?"

"You have my word. Honesty and shit, right? I'll do it. I'll message you once I'm at the restaurant for lunch."


For now.


Sunglasses? Check. Black Cap? Check.

I'm sitting at the nearby table at the restaurant where Eye and Mew is supposed to meet.

I know, I know. He said to trust him.

But I can't. Sorry. Long term unrequited love gives you trust issues. 

I saw Eye enter the restaurant.

She really is beautiful. I can't match her. She looks like a beautiful flower. While I look like a Potato. 

Life is really unfair.

Then I saw Mew enter the restaurant.

Oh shit. I need to hide.

I hid my face in the menu while I try to eavesdrop on what he was about to say.

"Mew! Here!" Eye smiled while waving at him.

Even her smile is pretty. Damn that cotton candy.

Mew walk towards her with this weird expression on his face.

"Eye, let's break up."

Well, that was quick.


A/N: well that was 4 chapters already. How was it? I hope you like the story. The next chapters will have timeskips and a lot of flashbacks to make the story whole so don't get confused.

Thank you for reading my AU. See you in the next chapter :)

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