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"I hope you all took notes on the book 'Speak' because we will have a test this Friday about it. So study hard," Mrs. Meyers announced to the class and dismiss's everyone for lunch. The whole class groans and starts walking out of the room. I get up from my seat and walk out as well.
I don't think I will have to worry so bad about this test since I pretty much remember everything I read.
I head over to my locker to drop off some of my books that I won't be needing for my next classes after lunch. When I zipped up my backpack and closed my locker shut I see Eric right beside me with a girl next to him.
Both of them were staring at me as if I were gold or something. I jumped back surprised seeing them there and slam my hand over my chest to make sure I still have my heart beating.

"Oh sorry for scaring you Diana," Eric apologized giving me his famous "Whooing" smile.

"Oh no I'm good," I said brushing my uniform off like I just didn't almost piss my pants.

"Hey I'm Karina Eric's sister," the girl beside him speaks up. She holds out her hand towards me and I hesitantly shake it.

"Hi nice meeting you I'm Diana," I said trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Yea I already know who you are Eric has told me all about you. He went on for ho-," The girl Karina was cut off short by Eric pulling her back and putting a hand over her mouth preventing her from talking.
I chuckle awkwardly trying to make it seem funny.

Does he like me??
No, I am way out of his league. He looks like a model I look pretty plain compared to him.

"So how have you been Diana," Eric asks trying to change the subject.

"I've been good, but I really need to get going I have lunch and I really don't want to go to my next class on an empty stomach," I said truthfully since my stomach is making me feel like I'm about to throw up my insides if I don't eat something.

"Oh yea you go ahead we will see you after school," Eric says looking down at his sister with a glare. Karina just nods and looks like she is holding in a laugh. He holds on to the back of her shirt and starts dragging her down the hallway. And she just waves goodbye at me as if her being dragged doesn't hurt. I slowly watch them disappear and I shake my head at how silly they look.

The only thing that's tipping me off is how they look nothing alike.
Maybe they have adopted parents or something?

"So how have you and Aaron been?" I asked Darcy while we walked out into the school courtyard.

"We have been amazing he took me out on a date a day after I confessed that I liked him," she says and starts rambling on about how cute he is. I listened but didn't really pay attention to what she said since I was too focused thinking on whether I should go to tryouts for cheerleading at my school since it's my last year here.

"What have you been up to lately Diana. I don't really see you much," Darcy asks.

"I've been hanging out with the new kid Eric," I said pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Oh, I haven't heard of a new kid named Eric. I must be that busy," Darcy says sounding confused.

How can she not have noticed we have a new kid especially when Eric is literally gorgeous.

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