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5 months later

I was 6 months along, my stomach was like the size of a water melon. My body literally felt heavy every single day. My appetite had increased rapidly, my feet got swollen from time to time, everything felt uncomfortable but amongst all, the feeling that a baby was growing inside me was so strong. Stronger than ever.

I had called my mom a couple of times, knowing she was fine and so were my siblings, I was happy.

Kelvin and I hadnt spoken since he left. I tried to call but it never went through, I had to fight myself not to go visit him. I missed him so much but time had made it seem somewhat easy not to cry every minute when i thought of  him.

Leornard hadn't visited or called me after that night. Maybe he didn't even care much about the baby after all.  It annoyed the hell out of me, but who was I to complain, I was just a worker. I didn't bother calling or going to visit because the last thing I wanted was to be a part of his life.

Clara had been my one and only companion, she had become my best friend in the past few months. We went everywhere together, the mall, restuarants, cinema, the beach and all. She even made me do a photo shoot of my protruded belly. I didn't want to at first but I loved all the pictures at the end.

Speaking of Clara, She knocked on my door and got inside my room.

"Morning" her wide smile was enough to brighten my day.

"Morning" I smiled back, slowly lifting my heavy body up on the bed.

"I have your schedule for today, so listen up" she held her note pad in her hand

"Fire on"

"You have doctors appointment by 9, then lunch by 12 at your new favorite restaurant down town. I think that's all, that's short" she frowned which only made me chuckle.

"How about we bake a cake after lunch, I think am craving" I said

"I think I like that" she agreed and jotted it down. "Now get up, you have only one hour to get ready and have breakfast before your doctors appointment"

"And you just telling me now, jeez, you know I spend thirty minutes in the bathroom" I joked

"Make it twenty"

"Ughhh fine"

"I'll go prepare breakfast" she told me and then left. I just smiled and got up from my bed.

I had my bath, put on a brown long sleeved dress that hugged my body from my chest to my knees, it made my stomach more protruding and round. I tied my hair into a pony tail and did a little make up because my face looked a tad bit swollen. I stepped into a pair of white sandals and went downstairs all ready only to be met by Leornard. Dressed gracefully in his red suit, he stood there like he had no care in the world.

What the hell was he doing here. Clara gave me a worried look that also looked abit apologetic.

He just stared at me from head to toe and back to my face. I was speechless.

"Miss Eva" his voice irritated me instantly. I took a deep breath and walked towards the dinning table, I was starving and I wasn't in the mood for anything else.

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